And honestly, have you ever seen a sky this blue?
For some reason the trees smell kind of funky, but they are gorgeous to look at. My camera definitely doesn't do them justice, but they make my daily walks with Riker and Butters that much more enjoyable.
Dinner last night was kind of a hodge podge of pantry ingredients, but it was tasty!
Orzo with shrimp, cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts, capers, garlic, fresh basil and lemon. The meal came about because we had random things that needed to be used up (I keep buying fresh basil and then let it die on the countertop before I get a chance to use it - no more!). I always keep a bag of shrimp in the freezer too since I can thaw them quickly, cook them even more quickly, and add them to just about anything.
Before I get moving on tonight's dinner, I had to share a few pictures of Butters with you. I was out most of the day today running errands, so when I got home he was a mess of excitement. He refused to be anywhere other than under my feet or on top of my shopping bags. This guy needs a date at the park, for sure.
He's the cutest. Oh and see that book he's laying next to? While I was out, I stopped by the library to drop off The Help and pick up All Over Creation. It's part of a new genre known as the "eco saga", and is about a woman who, when she returns to her hometown after 25 years, "comes face to face with an old friend, her aging parents, and her conflicted past as well as the Seeds of Resistance, a rollicking environmentalist group that finds trouble wherever they plant themselves." It got good reviews on Goodreads, so hopefully it lives up to its 4 stars! Looking forward to diving into it later tonight.
Hope your Monday went by quickly! 

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