
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Food of the Week

Good Sunday morning! I feel like the last few weeks have flown by in a blur, and it's only going to get busier around here for the next month. I have 5 baby/bridal showers, one 50th birthday party and family coming into town twice...all in March. Yikes! It's all great stuff of course, but it'll be busy for sure. I actually have to get ready soon to head to a bridal shower a couple hours away, but it's been a little bit since I've had a chance to do a weekly food catch-up, so I was determined to do so this morning.

Let's catch up, shall we?

Over the last two weeks or so our meals have swung a wide spectrum. I recently signed us up for Door-to-Door Organics, which delivers a box of organic produce and other items right to our house every week (a huge time saver, especially since we usually need to run out for extra fruit every weekend), and am loving it so far.

I've been making tons of chopped salads with the fresh produce we've been receiving (mainly for lunches), as well as stir fries and even a pasta dish with roasted shrimp, brie, my stocking stuffer saffron and lots of fresh asparagus and tomatoes. 

Seafood has also been making plenty of appearances. Last weekend when we were in the Poconos, Matt and the guys made a smoked brisket with homemade barbecue sauce and coleslaw, but I had a grilled tuna steak instead of the meat. It.was.amazing.

I could not get enough of the homemade sweet & spicy barbecue sauce combined with the crunchy, tangy slaw. It was the perfect meal after coming home from a chilly day on the slopes. 

Pause from food pics here to enter kid pictures...

This was before we put the skis on Riker. He was much happier then. Once the skis went on, it was total meltdown mode. Ah well, we'll try again next year. He had much more fun playing in the secret hideout at the cabin we were staying in. 

I can't take the cuteness.

Okay, back to the foodie pics.

When we got back home on Sunday we stopped to eat lunch outside at Fins, my favorite Cali-style burrito place. It was so gorgeous out (60 degrees!) I just could not fathom sitting inside at home, especially after being in the snow all weekend in PA.

I got a coconut fish wrap with Asian slaw and pickled onions. It didn't disappoint. We even got to spend a few minutes at the beach afterward. Perfection!

We also had Matt's mom's birthday that night, which included grilled shrimp, veggies and quinoa for dinner and the traditional Baratta family ice cream cake for dessert.

We've been eating a fair amount of fish at home, too. Last week Matt made homemade fish cakes with the striped bass he caught a while ago and which has been in our freezer. We eat them bun-less with homemade tartar sauce and a side of garlicky kale or spinach. They don't look that great, but they are really tasty.

Friday night we had a seafood feast of fresh clams & mussels, and seared salmon with homemade yogurt dill sauce. Matt picked up the seafood from our local fish market and it was super fresh and so good. We also made some coconut flour-dusted sweet potato fries on the side. Gotta have something to dip in all that delicious clam broth!

Veggie filled meals of salads, stir fries and seafood aside, we've also had a few "fun" meals...

1. Taco Night (with lettuce taco shells, salsa verde and queso fresco)

2. Nacho Night (uuuh, definitely not as healthy as lettuce tacos, but it was a snowy day, and, well whatever)

3. Indian Night (using a spice packet, paneer and naan we got at the local Indian food store, on top of quinoa with broccoli, peas and tomatoes)

Sometimes you just need to break things up with some spice in your life.

I did all my meal prepping yesterday for the next two weeks, and we have some good stuff coming up in all the same categories. I'm looking forward to trying a few new recipes I found on Pinterest as well, including curry cauliflower & sweet potato soup. I need to get all my soup fixes in now since spring is on the way!

Alrighty, off to get ready to shower my cousin's baby this afternoon. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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