
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Baby Weekend

We're almost halfway through the week already, how did that happen? I'll take it though. This past weekend was a busy one and I'm feeling that midweek tiredness kick in.

Saturday afternoon we had a surprise pop up on our agenda. My good friend Lindsay and her husband Ryan welcomed baby Jackson into the world!

He is just adorable and Lindsay and Ryan were absolutely glowing. I'm so happy for them, and so excited to have another little one in the group!

On Sunday I had a few things on my list before heading out for the day, including making some homemade granola bars. I usually buy Larabars for quickie snacks (mostly for my bus rides home from the city); they have so few ingredients (just dates, other fruits & nuts) and are pretty tasty. But they aren't organic, and we're really trying to eat organic as much as we can these days. I didn't have any dates on hand so couldn't make knockoff Larabars, so granola bars were next on the list. I put together a pan of organic oats, seeds, nuts, flax, dried fruits, natural peanut butter and raw honey, then stuck it in the freezer to firm up.

The end result was quite delicious, but they fell apart when I cut them. They were more like granola shards & pieces. That didn't stop Riker from eating it out of the pan by the handful. He loved 'em.

I stored the granola pieces in a container in the fridge, and they've been quite the snacking sensation for all 3 of us this week. I just need to work on the recipe a bit to get the bars to stick together so they're more portable.

After granola testing, I met up with Matt's mom, sister and MomMom to take a drive south for a baby shower for Matt's cousin Monica. My own sister came too since she's friends with Monica, so I was happy to get to spend some time with her and the rest of the Baratta women.

The shower was ladybug-themed, which I thought was really cute.

I'm a sucker for themed parties.

I didn't snap any pictures of the food, but I definitely indulged a little much on pesto & goat cheese bruschetta, Caesar salad, lasagna and some asparagus. They also served beignets during the gift opening, and I couldn't resist a piping hot crispy powder sugared beignet with my tea. So I had one, along with a little slice of cake.

I woke up the next morning ready for my green smoothie. And not quite so ready for this:

More snow! The amount of snow we are getting this winter is insane. I feel like I live in New England again. Matt and Riker had a snow day while I worked in my office, since all the schools were closed again. I think we're supposed to get one more storm next week, and although I love the snow, I'm actually itching to see some spring weather soon. Here's to hoping.

Have a good hump day!

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