
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Strawberry Lime Coconut Cooler

A drink recipe! I’m not sure I’ve ever blogged one of these before, probably because the only things I really drink are water, unsweetened iced tea and coffee. Occasionally I will add lemon, lime or berries to my water, but that’s about it. Once in a while I get an itch for something different so I’ll buy some seltzer water, but after one sip I get hiccups and realize yet again that I don’t like carbonated beverages, and then it’s back to the plain old water.

But today is somehow already time for Recipe ReDux again (actually one day late, but I got no Internet service up in the Poconos, sooo it's coming today), and this month’s theme was all about drinks. Hot, cold, whatever your preference – but something healthy and different. Truth be told, if I wasn’t pregnant, I probably would’ve come up with some fun weekend cocktail. Filled with homemade ginger simple syrup, mint, and maybe some gin. Yep that’s what I could really go for right about now.

But alas, gin could not be had. So I made a fruit drink instead. I actually really like this drink because 1) It’s refreshing and would be great in summer, or makes you think of summer when it’s freezing cold and snowing outside, 2) It’s a great way to hydrate because it’s main liquid is coconut water, which is filled with electrolytes, 3) It’s not plain old water, and 4) It’s also a fun way to consume your afternoon fruit snack when you just can’t look at another apple.

Plus, there is no cooking or muddling or mashing or really even measuring. Just eyeball everything, dump it in a blender and blend away. Serve in a mason jar with a fun straw and for a second feel like you’re in Miami again.

Almost. (And P.S., this would probably be really good with vodka too if you were feelin’ that. Just saying.)

Strawberry Lime Coconut Cooler

Serves 1 (Can easily be multiplied)

1 cup (or 4-5 large) frozen strawberries
¾ cup coconut water (I use Cocozia)
¼ tsp. coconut extract
Juice of ½ a lime
1 tsp. coconut palm sugar
Toasted coconut for garnish (I use Trader Joe’s unsweetened)

Put all ingredients except toasted coconut in blender and blend until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour into glass and garnish with toasted coconut. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This is the second recipe I've seen using coconut extract - this is definitely something I need to add to my pantry! Looks delicious!
