
Friday, January 4, 2013

Finding Peace

Every New Year's, I feel like I should have some magical fresh start feeling. A sense that a chapter has closed and an exciting new one is about to open. I almost never actually get that feeling, but I still try to look back at the year passed with gratitude and lessons learned, and look forward to the new year with an effort to make it even better.

Looking back over 2012, it was a pretty fantastic year. I watched in awe as Riker grew from a newborn to a full-fledged person (who is about 2 days away from walking, by the way). I was able to take 4 months off from work to be with him when he was born, and I'll cherish that time forever.

I started a new job, which was a really good move for me and has brought me and my family many blessings. While I technically work in New York, my boss allows me to work out of my home office 4 days a week so I can spend more time with Riker and Matt, and less time commuting.

We celebrated good friends' weddings and took a lot of fun weekend trips, including Amish country, Vermont, New Orleans and the Poconos, and we had a great vacation in Maine where we relaxed in the ocean air, ate seafood to our hearts' content and introduced Riker to all the wonders of the sea.

I turned 30, and celebrated the 30th birthdays of many of my friends. I didn't have any dread about this big milestone like so many people say they do, and so far this first year of the next decade of my life has been pretty great.

And I started this blog! This has been one of the most amazing journeys of all, and I'm so grateful to all of you for reading and giving me the chance to do something I've truly grown to love.

Now to look forward: 2013, can you believe it? This year promises to be full of excitement, with a ski trip to Vermont, two fun weddings - Matt's good friend Adam and my dear friend Nicole (and a girls weekend bachelorette, of course!) - and a family vacation in California. Lots to look forward to, for sure. Wine country, here we come!

Aside from all the fun stuff, I really wanted to look at what I wanted to get out of life this year. Hence, the New Year's Resolutions. I always make 'em. I realized a while back that if I made them too "hard" or set goals for myself that really didn't mean anything to me (they were just things I thought should be doing) then I would never achieve them. So now, I set goals that are achievable and are things I actually want to do, and will make me feel good when doing them.

Last year the theme seemed to be all about hobbies - I wanted to read more, challenge myself in the kitchen by canning foods, learn more about herbs and homeopathic remedies and do more DIY projects. Fun stuff, all of which I enjoyed doing more of.

Over the last few weeks, however, I realized I was feeling more stressed than I liked to be. After making my resolutions for this year, it was clear this year's theme is all about finding peace. This year I want to:

1. Practice more yoga. I go through phases where I do yoga a lot, and then dry spells where I don't do it all. I want to be more consistent since yoga is so good for both body and mind. It's so calming!

2. Take more time for me. It's easier said than done when you're a new mom, but I think it's really important. I was given a spa gift card for my baby shower more than a year ago, and in 14 months I haven't found one weekend to use it. Crazy! I need to take more time for me, to just relax and enjoy some down time.

3. Unplug. I have a tendency to let work take over my whole brain, and it's definitely not a healthy habit. This year I want to work on unplugging once the work day is over. Check my email less, think about work less, and enjoy spending time with my family more.

4. Not sweat the small stuff. I think of myself as a pretty laid back person, but every once in a while I get caught up over silly small things, so my goal this year is to just breathe and let things go. Life is much easier that way!

Here's to a peaceful 2013!

Do you make New Year's resolutions? What are some of your plans for this year?

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