
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lazy Weekend

After only a three-day work week, the weekend is here! There are no major plans on the agenda for this weekend, so I'm kind of looking forward to just hanging around and going wherever the day takes us.

At 6:30 last night I powered down my laptop and came downstairs for a simple Friday night dinner: lox and cream cheese bagel sandwiches.

My lox & eggs breakfast the other day really got me craving the stuff, so when I saw it on sale at the grocery store this week I picked up a package. I made the sandwiches with a smear of low fat cream cheese, peppery arugula, tomatoes, red onion and smoked salmon on toasted everything bagels. Crunchy and salty, mmm. We also had a garden salad on the side for some extra veggies.

After putting Riker to bed, Matt and I made mugs of tea and parked ourselves on the couch for 2 episodes of Sons of Anarchy. Man, are we hooked. I've been wanting to watch it forever, so over winter break we started Season 1 on Netflix, and have been watching episodes every chance we get. The show is nuts! I fully intend on finishing the season this weekend. :)

I was planning to head to the gym right after breakfast this morning, but Riker was acting a little cranky and seemed like he needed an early nap. So back to bed he went; the gym can wait til later today. I'm taking advantage of the unexpected nap time - not by doing chores, but by lazing around with my coffee and starting my new book. Over break I finished the final book by Gillian Flynn, and am now moving onto the next book on my Goodreads list, The Glass Castle. It's pretty good and definitely has my interest so far.

Have a great Saturday!

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