
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pineapple Banana Blender "Sorbet" + Tomatoes Contest

Today I bring to you the easiest recipe on the planet. Blender sorbet!

I've been wanting to try making sorbet in my Ninja blender ever since I bought it a few months ago, and when a beautiful fresh pineapple arrived in my Door to Door Organics box this week, I knew that's just what I'd finally be making.

This "sorbet" is dairy free, full of fruit and nice and thick - so it feels like a cold summer ice creamy treat, but is totally guilt free. Riker loved it and asked for seconds after licking his bowl clean. I said no, but only because I don't want him thinking he can have seconds of dessert - honestly, I'd be happy letting him eat three bowls of this stuff.

Here's the quick recipe:

Pineapple Banana Blender Sorbet

Serves 4-5

1 small pineapple, cored, cubed and frozen (I froze mine for about 3 hours)
1 frozen banana, chopped
1/4 cup coconut milk
3 Tbsp. coconut palm sugar
Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
Handful of chocolate chips for topping, if desired

Place all ingredients (except chocolate chips) in the blender; blend for about 1-2 minutes, until fully pureed and thickened up. Add more coconut milk if it's too thick. Top with chocolate chips if desired.


Switching from pineapple to tomatoes now...

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Tuttorosso Tomatoes about a Facebook contest they're hosting. I've said before that Tuttorosso is the only brand of commercial tomatoes I buy, mainly because I was taught long ago by my grandmother that they are the only ones to be used in our family recipes, including vodka sauce and Nana's Tomato & Mushroom Mac & Cheese.

Today is the last day to enter the contest - and entry is super simple. Just share your cooking inspiration story on Tuttorosso's Facebook page and you'll have a chance to win a $250 prize pack that includes a serving plate, sauce ladle, pasta pot set and heirloom wooden spoon, plus $300 to a dinner celebration of your choosing. All entrants receive a Meal-occasion themed digital recipe flip-book with a $1.00/4 coupon, recipes, and cooking tips.

Here are the steps:

1. Like the Tuttorosso Facebook page 
2. Click to enter the contest here:
3. Post who has been an inspiration in your family cooking tradition and how would you celebrate in their honor. 

And if you don't win the prize pack, don't worry - we'll be hosting a tomato giveaway soon here on SSA too. :)

Good luck!

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