
Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco de Mayo Roundup

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Any excuse to eat avocados and drink margaritas (okay, no drinking of margaritas for me this year...) is a good holiday in my book. Can't wait until 6:30 rolls around.

This weekend was packed. Friday night we had the wedding of our friends Tom and Sarah, and it was an awesome night. You know it's a good party when you're nearly 8 months pregnant and your feet are killing you but you still can't stay off the dance floor for 3 hours. Such a great night with some of our best friends!

I love this bride photo bomb ever.

Saturday we had Riker's first dance recital. He didn't want to go on at first, but once he got his nerves up he went on stage like a champ.

The picture's a little blurry, but that's him waving to MomMom in the front row. <3

They are the cutest! This is the only year we'll be putting him in dance (he wants to do soccer next year) so it was fun to watch him on stage for his one song.

And then yesterday was a big patio construction day. Heather, Kevin and their girls came over for the day so Kevin could help Matt move 20 tons of dirt out of our yard, while Heather and I were on food & kid duty. Matt never could've accomplished so much without Kev's help, so thank goodness they came over. Progress!!

Matt started work at 7 am yesterday and didn't finish until 9 pm. He's such a hard worker.

I'm pretty zonked today and really feel like I need to start resting more since I'm down to only 5 weekends left before baby arrives (eeeek!), but there's just always so much to do. And today is no exception. A little tiredness isn't going to stop me from making some Mexican food for dinner! We're going with lettuce tacos tonight.

If you're still looking for some last-minute ideas for Cinco de Mayo fare, here are a few of my favorite Mexican dishes:

Surf Burritos

Black Bean & Corn Enchiladas with Salsa Verde

Black Bean & "Chorizo" Blue Cheese-Stuffed Burgers

Hope you enjoy some spicy food today, and have a margarita for me! ;)

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