
Friday, June 28, 2013

Wednesday Weekend

The last few days have felt like the weekend already began. Love those weeks! Wednesday was such a beautiful day, and after work I really felt like relaxing outside and not cooking. When I mentioned sushi and wine, Matt was more than game, so we got some sushi takeout to eat in the backyard.

Seaweed salad is always a must for sushi night.

Sushi in the backyard is way more relaxing than trying to eat dinner out with an 18-month-old who just wants to run around the second he finishes eating (by the way - he totally ate two pieces of sushi, that kid will eat anything!).

Please ignore the pile of kids toys and overturned water table in the flower bed. One thing at a time.

While we were out picking up dinner, we stopped at Redbox to grab a movie. I feel like it's been forever since we watched a movie and couldn't wait to snuggle up on the couch after dinner and Riker's bedtime. We finally watched Zero Dark Thirty, which I've been wanting to watch since it came out. Sushi alfresco, wine and a movie on a Wednesday totally tricked me into forgetting it was only the middle of the week. We have to do this more often. :)

Yesterday the day sped by since I only had work until 4:00. At 4 on the dot Matt came home and hustled me into the car to an important event: the wedding rehearsal of his good friend Adam.

After a beautiful bridal shower and a boys trip to the Bahamas, the time has finally arrived! Us girls chatted at the church watching the rehearsal, then the whole group headed to dinner at a nearby Italian place.

The bridal party for this wedding is huge - I think 22 people in total, so it was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone and getting excited for the big day.

They make such a cute couple. And today is the day! I have off work and am leaving here at 2:00 for the nuptials. I can't wait to get this party started!

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