
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Flaxy Kale

The rest of the weekend went a little something like this.

I had an early breakfast of plain Chobani with strawberries, bananas, almonds, pecans and a sprinkling of Nektar Honey Crystals I was sent by the company to try. Love these things! I'm trying to come up with a fun recipe for them to share with you all.

Then it was a mom's morning out for a pedicure/manicure and some shopping at the mall. We have a wedding on Friday and I needed to get a dress and make sure my nails were lookin' pretty. :) After shopping I had a quick lunch at home and then we headed to Matt's parents' house for an afternoon birthday celebration for his dad.

I only snapped a picture once everyone was relaxing and snacking on appetizers, but we spent most of the time playing in the pool like little kids. It was HOT out and the pool felt great. After pooltime we headed inside for a dinner of barbecued chicken, grilled garlic shrimp, roasted parmesan cauliflower, green beans and salad.

I stayed on the straight & narrow through apps and dinner, but I splurged on a Dairy Queen Saucer for dessert.

Yum. Gotta love a non-traditional birthday cake!

The night ended with story time and bedtime songs with Riker. How cute are they together?


So we're in the middle of a heat wave here and, not that I'm complaining, but 95 degree days with 100% humidity just make my appetite totally deflate. For the last two days I've been living on smoothies, salads and sun tea. Cold all the way!

Enter the return of the Massaged Kale Salad. A giant bowl of greens massaged with oil and topped with broccoli, carrots and coconut broiled shrimp. I normally massage the kale with olive or sesame oil, but this time I used flax seed oil and it tasted awesome.

Matt loves this salad. He says every time he eats it he feels like he's fueling up on nutrients and vitamins and he just feels healthier as he chews. ;) Good ole kale!

I just put Riker down to bed so now it's time for some dark chocolate and DVR'd Food Network Star. #addicted.

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