
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Miami in New Jersey

One last post to finish out the details of Miami before we return to regularly scheduled programming...which is of course way more boring than looking at pictures of strawberry daiquiris and beachy scenery.

On our last day in South Beach, we woke up early, ran down to the pool to save lounge chairs, and then packed up our bags to leave at the front desk for the day. We booked our return flight for 8:30 PM so we could maximize our entire last day there, which was a great decision.

After breakfast in our typical spot we spent the entire day poolside with our chairs facing the beautiful ocean, taking turns laying out and taking dips in the pool and hot tub.

We had a late breakfast so skipped lunch, but ordered an early dinner right to our beach chairs. The restaurant had super fresh fish and the girls had been raving about the blackened Mahi Mahi sandwich, so I had to try it once before leaving.

It was awesome. It was so fresh and tender, topped with avocado, cilantro mayo and some spicy seasonings. I splurged and ordered the fries instead of fruit. Yum. Normally when I travel I love to try all kinds of local restaurants, but this trip I really didn't care; the food was so fresh and good at the hotel restaurant, they offered outdoor seating overlooking the pool and ocean and the service was amazing (hello super friendly pool and beach waiters). Eating there all the time allowed us to just relax, and I really loved not having to get dressed, plan anything or run around every day.

It was an amazing weekend and I came home feeling refreshed (tired, but still refreshed), totally laughed out and feeling even closer to my girlfriends than I had before. Next up, Nicole's wedding! I can't wait to regroup with the whole gang to celebrate for the big day in a few weeks.


I got home super late Sunday night, so took Monday off from work to sleep in and spend some time with Riker. By Tuesday another busy work week was in full swing, and it's good to have the weekend back again. No more Mahi Mahi or fruity drinks, but it hasn't been half bad.

Last night we grilled out, with habanero peach shrimp and grilled radicchio over green salads.

It was brisk but sunny outside and I guess Miami was calling to me, because a tropical salad sounded perfect.

I mixed together mesclun greens with green peppers, carrots, cucumber, sauteed zucchini and avocado, then sprinkled over shredded coconut and macadamia nuts. For a tropical dressing, I melted a little coconut oil and then whisked in fresh lemon juice, red wine vinegar, salt and crushed red pepper.

All topped off with grilled lettuce and shrimp.

The the texture of the dressing was a little odd because the coconut oil solidified onto the lettuce leaves, but it was still delicious and gave the whole salad a coconutty flavor. We closed out the week with a big fire and glasses of cabernet in the back yard.

Summer is coming. :) Hope you're having a good weekend so far!

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