
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cheat Burgers

Yesterday started off right with another version of Norwegian Eggs Benedict. Instead of English muffins and Canadian bacon, I used big slices of juicy red tomatoes and slices of smoked salmon.

Look at those beauties! On top of the lox I piled up a mound of arugula dressed with lemon juice and flax seed oil, then popped a poached egg on top.

Cooking eggs is really not my forte, so Matt always cooks them when he's home. We're still new to poached eggs so I think he went through about 6 of them before they came out right. Practice makes perfect!

After breakfast we packed up Riker and Butters and drove up to Matawan to pick up a sweet Craigs List find.

Yes, that is Riker passed out in a hiking backpack. I'm pretty sure he would've stayed like that for hours if we didn't wake him up. We've been wanting a family hiking pack for a while now, but they're really pricey and I never wanted to pull the trigger. Yesterday we had plans to go for a hike at Hartshorne Park which is pretty rough terrain for even our jogging stroller, so I looked on Craigs List and spotted a nearly brand new Kelty kids hiking backpack for only $50. Score!

We took a 5 mile hike through the park and Riker loved it. He walked some of the time, but when he got tired we threw him in the pack and Matt carried him until he eventually fell asleep. I can tell this pack is going to come in really handy all summer.

The two hour hike and fresh air was good for all of us. Butters had a blast running through all the trails and was tuckered out by the time we got back to the car. It's a good day when you can tire that maniac out.

Before we got to the park we were hungry for lunch since we'd been driving around for a few hours, so looked for a good spot to grab some food and sit outside. We stumbled upon 25 Burgers which I'd heard great things about, and I saw some outdoor tables in the sunshine, so was sold. This place doesn't really offer any healthy options, but we chalked it up to our "cheat meal" of the week and went all out.

I loved that you could swap a veggie burger for a meat burger on any of the menu options, so I had lots to choose from. I ended up going with a veggie burger with lettuce, tomatoes, A-1 steak sauce (love the stuff), blue cheese, crispy onion straws and chipotle sauce on a Maui onion roll.

Oh man. It was fantastic. We split some onion rings on the side, which were definitely not needed but devoured anyway. The food was all made to order and really good, and I'm pretty sure that's what "fast food" was originally intended to be. That said, I felt like I had a lead balloon in my stomach after lunch so I was glad we were going on a long hike afterward.

On our way home from the hike we stopped off for iced coffees at a cute little coffee shop in Red Bank where they roast their own beans. They make each cup of coffee to order so it tastes super fresh.

It was so good I bought a whole bag of beans to remake it at home.

Matt and I were both still full from lunch, so we fed Riker some dinner but skipped an evening meal ourselves. Instead, we headed over to our friend Forrest's house for an outdoor fire with friends.

A perfect ending to a great day.

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