
Sunday, November 25, 2012

No Place Like Home

Well we're back from another wonderful weekend in Vermont. We were always doing something and I never seemed to have a chance to jump on the computer (not necessarily a bad thing, right?), but I always have the best time going home and this time was no different.

The days were filled with lots of homemade comfort food...

Local craft beers, and not one, not two, but three trips to my new favorite place, Positive Pie. Talk about becoming a creature of habit!

Playground time and long, brisk walks to burn off some of the comfort food...

And card playing while watching the snow fall outside.

We took drives through the country, watched movies in the middle of the day, read books and played games, went to a craft fair, did some shopping in the cute town of Montpelier, and had lots of coffee pit stops.

We caught up with friends, both from home and from the Jerz.

And best of all, I got to meet my 2-week old nephew!

Isn't he a little peanut? He only weighed 5 pounds when he was born, and he's still just a little dumpling.

We got back home around dinnertime tonight and although I'm sad to have left my family, I'm ready to get back into my routine tomorrow - starting with a good workout and a big salad. :) Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend!

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