
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week in a Day

The last few days have gone by in a blur - what's new? :) It's been almost a week since I've had a chance to post, but a lot of fun things have been going on around here. Here goes a medley of random happenings!

Matt's latest beer went on tap last weekend, and it's a good one. His famous Widowmaker IPA is smooth and drinkable with the perfect balance of hops. Love this brew! We drank the first few pints with my good friend Dana - who lives in north Jersey and I don't get to see often - sitting by a backyard fire burning my old shoe boxes. We're classy like that.

Peanut butter & banana stuffed french toast made its way onto the breakfast table, and maaaay become part of the standard weekend rotation. Delicious!

Switching all know my love for football season, but I'm having a love/hate relationship with the new schedule this year. 

Love that football is on a minimum of 3 days a week and we've been enjoying the games with friends, but hate that I keep forgetting to update my fantasy team on Thursdays. I can't get used to these Thursday night games every week.

I'm sorry, but how cute are these two little peanuts? All of us parents were hanging out in the bar watching the game, while these two sat at the kitchen island chattering on about who knows what and eating Matt's homemade hot wings. Love it. 

And in other big news, I got a new car this week! After 6 years, I said goodbye to my little silver Corolla. It was actually a little bittersweet. It was the first car I ever bought with my own money, and she served me well through the better part of my 20s. 

But all things must come to an end, and it was time to trade her in. The ridiculous amount of baby gear I carry around at all times called for something a little bigger. For posterity, I had to take a goodbye pic before I left it at the dealership for good, but I've been loving driving my new ride around all week!

In other news...

My review of Serenity Cafe is finally up on Jersey Bites. Check it out if you're local!

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