
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Storm Prep

First off, you may have noticed a few changes to the blog layout. I'm testing out a few different designs, so bear with me while I try some new things. I'd love to hear your feedback on the new header - leave a comment letting me know what you think!

So, in case you're living under a rock and haven't heard, we're expecting a huge storm here on the east coast. All the shore towns near us are being evacuated, schools are closed for the next few days and public transportation in NJ and NY have all been suspended. They're saying the eye of the hurricane will go right through our town. Yikes!

Hopefully we won't have any issues at our house, but I'm kind of looking forward to holing up with my little family for a few days. In anticipation of the storm, though, we made sure to get some outdoors time in over the weekend. Friday night we headed over to our friends Heather & Kevin's house to hang out by the fire pit for the evening, which was a great time as always.

Yesterday we had plans to be out for most of the day, so I wanted to make a nice breakfast for everyone before heading out. I had hoped to make pancakes, but unfortunately we hadn't gone grocery shopping yet, and had nada in the house except Kashi and bananas. Cereal on a Saturday? No way.

I dug through the freezer and came up with 2 Van's Light waffles, so figured I could scrape together something fun for me and Matt. I started by caramelizing some bananas with a little coconut oil, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice.

I spooned the warm bananas over the toasted waffles, then topped them with some fat free Greek yogurt for extra protein. I also found a few strips of soy "bacon" in the freezer, which served as a side.

After breakfast, we picked up MomMom and headed downtown to exercise our vocal cords with some big time cheering. Matt's mom was running her very first 5K ever!

She's been working so hard with her team at the gym, and it was so great to see her pumped up for the race and leading her teammates on. She had a goal of running the race in 40 minutes, and she beat it with ease!

It's been quite a while since I've participated in a race or fun run, and it gave me the itch to get back on the track.

We spent the rest of the day shopping and taking care of other errands to make sure we have everything we need in case we get stormed in. Including movies. I honestly hardly ever buy movies since it's so easy to just rent them from OnDemand or Red Box, but Matt spotted a huge sale at FYE in the mall, so we popped in to buy a few. Total oldies but goodies!

Lunch was the usual grocery day lunch - another big salad from ShopRite. Good as always.

We had originally planned to go to a party last night, but a babysitter isn't always in the cards. So instead, we invited MomMom and my sister and brother-in-law over for a family movie night, complete with homemade gnocchi, red wine, popcorn and candy.

You better believe we broke The Lost Boys out of its packaging to watch first. It's so cheesy it's amazing. Especially the soundtrack. Best 80s movie ever.

Now it's time to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm. Stay safe, east coast friends!

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