
Monday, October 1, 2012

Diner Breakfast

Yesterday was a typical Sunday in the Baratta house - lots of grocery shopping, cleaning, food-making and football-watching. Not before a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast, though. I was up early with Riker after a late night around the fire pit (and unexpected lively healthcare debate, complete with a talking stick) at our friends Chris & Vanessa's house, so when Matt suggested skipping a home breakfast in favor of a winter favorite - the good old diner breakfast - I was totally game.

Saturday night...

Sunday morning...

What is it about diner coffee that is just so good? Best part of breakfast, for sure.

I ordered an egg white omelet with broccoli and cheese and rye toast on the side. I only buy whole wheat bread for home, so rye is my treat for breakfast out.

It's pretty fun going out to eat with Riker now since he can pretty much eat whatever we're eating. No egg whites for him, but he had no problem eating my potatoes, toast and banana. And Matt's bacon, to my chagrin. ;-)

After breakfast and running a few errands, I got to work around the house. The one chore I did enjoy was putting out my fall decorations. I think it was about time. Just need some mums and pumpkins out front and we'll be all set!

I'm still debating whether I like this one; I made it myself using some vases, fall potpourri and little craft pumpkins leftover from my baby shower last fall. Fun fact: I actually don't like the smell of potpourri, but I like the look of it, so I save it for years until the scent is gone and I can just enjoy looking at the bowls of fake acorns and pine cones.

I do, however, love the scent of fall candles. Who doesn't? I picked up this Yankee Candle Apple/Pumpkin one yesterday and am loving it. It makes the whole house smell amazing. 

Lunch was a jalapeƱo hummus, arugula and provolone sandwich on whole grain bread, eaten while watching some football. Great games yesterday!

I also made baked apples for the week and a big pot of spicy veggie chili for dinner. Seriously, this house smelled so good I could've eaten the walls. Between the cinnamon and nutmeg apples, candles, crockpot chili, and fresh air from open windows, it was the absolute essence of a fall day at home.

We ate the chili for dinner sprinkled with some shredded Cabot Vermont cheddar and crumbled organic blue corn tortilla chips. Yum.

And now it's back to the grind. I'm taking Friday off from work to drive up to Vermont with my sister to see our family for the holiday weekend, so I need to cram 5 days worth of work into 4. It's gonna be a busy one.

Catch you later!

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