
Saturday, September 29, 2012

No Plans

This is the first weekend in several months that I've had no formal plans and no running around to do. The last few months have felt jam packed with showers, parties and other fun events, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to having a relaxing weekend at home, finally!

Last night we started the weekend off with homemade Chinese food and a movie. I really didn't feel like cooking, but didn't want to give into take-out tempatation, so got to work in the kitchen on a stir-fry - it was one of the few things on my dinners list that sounded appealing on a Friday night after a long week of work.

In a half hour we had a fresh stir-fry of tofu (cooked the usual way), veggies and rice noodles.

I also got a chance to use my julienne gadget for the first time - my mom gave it to me for a bridal shower gift over 4 years ago, and believe it or not I never remember to use it. Last night I shredded the carrots with it and loved how thin and uniform the carrot shreds turned out! They cooked up super quick too.

We polished off our stir-frys with the last of our Beer Camp beers. I had the Imperial Pilsner, which was deliciously hoppy. After dinner we put Riker to bed and curled up on the couch to watch an impromptu movie selection, Limitless. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I actually thought it was quite good. It definitely kept me entertained and not falling asleep at 11:00 on a Friday night, which is hard to do these days. ;-)


We woke up this morning in no rush and with nowhere to be, and it felt amazing. After an oatmeal breakfast, we decided to head over to Island Heights, a local bay town that hosts an annual town-wide yard sale. Island Heights is an artsy neighborhood, so we usually find some unique stuff while we're there.

We stopped off at D&D for pumpkin spice coffees and then met up with our friends Chris and Vanessa to walk the town together. Chris found a whole ton of stuff for their new house, including an old-fashioned birthing chair - haha! I have to say, that thing is unbelievably comfortable. They must have known a thing or two about giving birth way back when.

I snagged a few cool items, including a handmade clay mug made by a local potter. I'm in the process of getting rid of all my old, crappy mugs and replacing them with new ones, so this one will happily take the place of a junky old green one I'm sick of looking at. Can't wait to have my coffee in this tomorrow!

It was a beautiful morning for walking around town sipping on coffee and checking out antique and handmade furniture and household goods. We were there longer than I anticipated, so thankfully I had packed some snacks for the road.

After leaving the yard sale, we stopped off for sandwiches and then met up with Matt's parents for a bike ride down the rail trail near their house.

Love this crisp fall weather! We completed a 7 mile loop before calling it a day.

We just got home and ate a quick dinner of whole wheat pasta with broccoli, leftover butternut squash, sundried tomatoes and Laughing Cow cheese wedges. We were starving and it was the quickest thing I could come up with, but it was pretty tasty.

Not sure what the evening has in store for us, but it looks like the perfect night for a backyard fire. We'll see!

Off to continue this lovely weekend with my little fam!

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