
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Canning Day

The rest of the weekend around here included a little relaxation, a little excitement, some family time and some friend time. Doesn't get better than that!

Yesterday I spent many a long hour in the kitchen preserving the bounty of our garden for the winter. My mother-in-law and MomMom came over to hang out for the afternoon, so it was nice to have a kitchen full of people while I cooked.

From left to right, we have pickles, blueberry jam (first time making sugar free!), pepper peach jelly and green tomato salsa. I loved making all of them and I get such a sense of satisfaction when seeing a counter full of pretty jars after the day is done. But by the time I finally crawled into bed last night, I was so ready for sleep. Until this thing flew over our heads.

A bat! Imagine laying in your bed in the dark with just a glow from the TV illuminating the room, and all the sudden a bat zooms in front if your face. Matt and I screamed like little girls and threw ourselves under the covers. I have no idea how this thing got in our house - likely our cat Maui dragged it in - but after an hour of shooing it from room to room, we finally got it to fly out a window. Gah.


This morning I woke up bright and early and hit the road around 8:00 for Staten Island. My cousin was visiting from Florida and we were invited to the christening of her new baby daughter, Arianna. I don't particularly love the drive to SI, but I do love this view of the Verrazano Bridge.

My sister Amanda came up from Philly for the event as well, and it was so great spending the day with family we don't get to see often.

After the service we had brunch and everything was delicious - so much so that I forgot to snap any pics. Oops. I headed home around 2:00, and got a last minute invite to a BBQ / pool party where my good friends Heather and Cathleen would be. It was 9,000 degrees with 100% humidity today, so I was definitely game.

Perfect way to cool off. :)

There are some crazy thunderstorms brewing outside, so I'm curling up on the couch with my little family to watch reruns of Restaurant Impossible. Have a great evening!

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