
Monday, May 7, 2012

Bridal Weekend

Good (Monday) morning! It's going to be a busy one for me today, but before I get rolling on the old to-do list, we have to finish things up from the weekend. :)

After a great day/night of bridal shower festivities on Saturday, Matt and I woke up bright and early on Sunday to try to be productive. Well actually, Matt woke up bright and early with the baby, and let me sleep until 8:30. I seriously needed sleep so it felt great to put the pillow over my head and block out the sunlight for a few more hours. Whenever the baby has a rough night (he's teething again, poor little guy), Matt and I take turns letting the other sleep in rather than us both getting up early. It works!

Not only did Matt let me sleep in, he made omelets for breakfast!

It's been a while since I had an omelet, and it was everything I hoped for. He actually made one big one that we shared, and he stuffed it with broccoli, cherry tomatoes and a few slices of gouda cheese. Mmm.

On the side I had a toasted cinnamon raisin Bagel Thin with a little spray butter. A mug of coffee was enjoyed at the island too, of course.

After breakfast and some kitchen cleanup, Matt headed out for a fishing trip with his fishing club from school, and Riker and I met up with the girls again. We had plans to meet up with the bride, her mom and my friend Cathleen to get our dress fittings for Lindsay's wedding. It was such a treat to see Lindsay in her gorgeous gown!

You didn't think I would post of a pic of her dress, now did you? ;-) The wedding is in July, and I seriously can't wait.

We arrived home late afternoon and I was starving, so I threw a Gardenburger in the toaster oven and some frozen broccoli in the microwave. I needed easy and fast!

I ate my "burger" on a flax seed Sandwich Thin with a slice of monterey jack cheese and some ketchup.

Sunday afternoon was spent plowing through my home to-do list. I can't even believe how much I got done, and it felt great! It's nice to have an afternoon home once in a while just to get things squared away. Matt didn't get home from fishing until about 10:00 last night, so I was on my own for dinner. I didn't actually get hungry until around 8:00 (crazy!), so I put together a one-person pasta bowl.

I cooked up some whole wheat rigatoni and tossed it with marinara sauce, fresh broccoli and Morningstar Farms crumbles for protein. I eat pasta bowls a lot when I'm alone since they're so easy, and this one hit the spot as usual.

And with that, I'm off to work!

How was your weekend?

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