
Monday, April 30, 2012

Productive by Day, Taco Eater by Night

Happy Monday morning! I hope you all had a great weekend.

Yesterday ended up being one of the most productive Sundays I've had in a long time. I crossed almost everything off my to-do list, and it felt great! We spent the morning cleaning up the house and getting some yard work done, and then spent the afternoon running errands.

A lot of times we take Butters with us when we run errands since he just loves being out of the house, even if he has to sit in the car. When he sees us packing up to leave, he starts getting frantic and running around in circles by the front door, so I just can't bear to leave his sad face at home. Instead, we leave his sad face in the back of the car looking after us longingly as we go to each store. I'm pretty sure he stays in that exact position waiting until we come back.

When we got home, I got to work on prepping some lunches for the week. One thing I'm really looking forward to is my quinoa salad. I'm hooked on this stuff!

I made a batch of quinoa using vegetable bouillon, and when it was cooked I stirred in a couple handfuls of fresh spinach, a few sundried tomatoes and some fat free feta cheese. It's so good. I made a few containers of it so I have it for the week, and I can't wait to dig into it for lunch today.

For dinner, we had these...

Tacos! More on these later. We made our own corn tortillas and they were awesome.

After dinner we took the crew on a short walk around the neighborhood. It was nice to just relax and get some fresh air after a really busy day.

Riker looks like he's sizing me up and doesn't trust me one bit, doesn't he? Love that face.

Off to start the work day!

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