
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Catching Up

Weekends are the best.

Friday night was spent eating comfort food and watching movies. Matt had a school event during the evening so I was on my own for dinner. I didn't feel like being too creative and it was already 8:00, so I went with an old classic. Pasta broccoli "Adam Hegarty style." Anyone who's ever had dinner at Adam's knows what I'm talking about. winking0019.gif

I made a bowl of whole wheat rotini with a little olive oil, a lot of garlic, broccoli and parmesan cheese. Perfect for a Friday night watching Bridesmaids. When Matt got home we stayed up late watching Just Go With It on HBO. We'd never seen it before and it was pretty funny!


Breakfast yesterday morning was easy and delicious. I toasted two Van's Light waffles and topped them with natural peanut butter, banana slices and a drizzle of Vermont maple syrup. I didn't have any fresh bananas on hand so I used one from the freezer, and surprisingly it was really good. The cold/hot combo was awesome and the frozen banana slices were so creamy.

After breakfast, we spent a lot of the day catching up on our to-do list since we were away the last few weekends. We had to take Maui to the vet for her annual shots, go grocery shopping and take care of other fun household things. When we got home we were starving, so Matt whipped up some sandwiches for lunch. I filled my toasted whole grain bread with lettuce, tomatoes and one slice of Havarti dill cheese (a forgotten favorite!). We had celery sticks dipped in fat free ranch dressing on the side.

After being productive all day, I had fun plans for the evening! Matt went for a night bike ride with some of his buddies (he ended up joining me later in the evening as you can tell by the picture below), and I went to my friend Lindsay's house for a little BBQ. I haven't seen my girlfriends for a few weeks, so I was so excited to hang out and catch up. It's always a good time with these ladies!

Lindsay and her fiance Ryan were housesitting at her parents' house, and we had no problem taking over their bar for the evening. I brought Riker with me and just put him to bed at Lindsay's house after he ate his dinner. He's such a trooper.

I started the night off with a glass of Spanish garnacha I picked up on my way over, which was really good. Smooth and mellow with a hint of black cherry.

We also nibbled on a bunch of snacks while we chatted, including some caprese skewers I made.

These were so simple to make. I've made them a few times for various parties, but this time I stacked them a little differently and I think they came out prettier. I simply took a large basil leaf, nestled a small cherry tomato and buffalo mozzarella ball inside it, and then stuck a toothpick through the whole thing. Then I drizzled them all with olive oil and salt and pepper. If I were serving them at my house I would've added balsamic vinegar as well, but I didn't think the vinegar would travel well and would make the mozzarella brown by the time I got there, so I left it off.

Lindsay and Ryan put out a great spread for dinner, and I helped myself to a little of everything.

I had a Gardenburger topped with cheese, sauteed peppers & onions and ketchup, and a small spoonful of red bliss potato salad, macaroni salad and veggie salad. A fun little Saturday night, for sure!


Today will be spent running more errands, finishing up the housework and getting things ready for the work week. Gotta get a move on!

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