
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Eating Raw Veggies

Before I forget, let's start things off with today's Earth Day tip!

Earth Day Tip #2 (courtesy of Live Right magazine): Eat more raw produce. Eating raw fruits and veggies gives you more healthy enzymes and nutrients. It also helps Mother Earth by cutting energy use.
For me, it's a lot harder to eat cold, raw fruits and veggies during the winter than it is during the summer. I have to come up with ways to make the produce appealing, so here are a couple things I do to make sure I get my servings in:
  • At the beginning of the week, I wash and cut up veggie sticks to store in the fridge and eat throughout the week. Carrots, green peppers, celery sticks (stored in water so they don't dry out) and cucumber rounds are much more snack-worthy when they're sliced and ready to go!
  • Make fruit salads! I'm much more likely to choose fruit as a snack when it's cut up in a pretty, colorful salad rather than sitting in a bowl on the counter.
  • Make "big salads" for dinner, like my California saladbeet & arugula salad or Asian kale salad. Yum!

What tips and tricks do you use to incorporate more fruits and veggies throughout the day?

Breafast & Workout

Breakfast this morning was peanut butter-banana oatmeal.

To make the oats a little creamier, I used half water and half almond milk while cooking them in the microwave. Then I topped the oatmeal with some PB2, a sliced banana and some honey.

After breakfast, I headed out for a quick 2 mile jog and then completed a 5-round core circuit from video I dug out from my workout box. The circuit focused on abs, legs, buns and thighs. A good little Thursday workout. Smile

Off to get cracking on my to-do list!

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