
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quickie Arms Routine

I woke up this morning determined to get a workout in first thing, before the morning got away from me and I decided to just skip it for one more day. The buck stops here!

Breakfast had to be first, of course, so I made myself another bowl of Kashi Island Vanilla mini wheats with skim milk. I added some raisins to the mix as well.

After that, it was time to get busy! To keep things easy, I turned to my workout board on Pinterest to find a good cardio circuit to get my heart rate going. I settled on an At Home Circuit Workout I pinned from Peanut Butter Fingers. I liked this workout and it only took about 30 minutes.

I wanted to do some strength training as well, but I could already hear Riker waking up from his nap, so I had to keep it speedy! I grabbed my weights and quickly completed a few arm exercises, which looked like this:

Finished just in the nick of time! This wasn't the most intense workout I ever had, but I felt better to just get things going again after a few days off. 

Now it's finally time to enjoy my morning coffee and to get things going for the day. I'm loving my chunky Martha's Vineyard mug - doesn't drinking your morning beverage out of a favorite mug just make things tht much better?

Have a good one!

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