
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fins and Ice Cream

Today was another busy one! The day was broken up nicely, though, with an impromptu afternoon walk with my neighbor, Meryl and and then an unexpected visit from our good friends Heather and Kevin. Before everyone got to the house, I threw together a veggie sandwich for a late lunch.

I made my sandwich with toasted whole grain bread, a Laughing Cow Light swiss cheese wedge, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and a slice of cheddar cheese. I snacked on some baby carrots alongside as well.

Summer is coming, bring on the veggie sandwiches baby! I can't wait until we have fresh cucumbers and tomatoes from our garden - you can bet you'll be seeing these for days on end. Winking smile


We had our last appointment this evening to finalize our new life insurance plans. Our friend Dave has been helping us with our plans, which has been really nice; we usually don't get to hang out with him very often, so it's been fun getting to see him so frequently the last few weeks. By the time we wrapped things up at 6:00, though, we were of course not in the mood to cook. The sunny weather didn't help either, it just made us want to stay out of the house. We mulled over our dinner options for a while before we finally decided to give in to our itch to go out, and ended up at Fins, a "TropiCali" restaurant not from from our house.

I love this place! The food is always fresh and delicious, the staff is super friendly, and they play surfing videos and reggae music while you eat. It's BYOB, so we're thinking this summer we need to go hang out on their patio with some burritos and buckets of Corona.

I wanted to try something I'd never had there before, so I decided on the Oahu Wrap. It had seared Ahi tuna, mango, avocado, romaine lettuce, black beans and a mandarin sesame slaw. It was delicious, but I should've gone with my gut and gotten a burrito since I really wanted something warm, not cold.

I ended up eating the entire thing, though. Ooph. Thank goodness I only had a couple of their homemade chips and salsa; I packaged up most of them to give Matt for his lunch tomorrow.

Of course I used my self-control with the chips as justification for saying, "Sure!" when Matt suggested we stop for ice cream on the way home. I told you this warm weather thing is terrible for my ice cream addiction...

Our favorite local ice cream shop was right on the way home, so we made a pit stop for his and hers chocolate & vanilla twist creemees (or soft serve, depending on which state you live in Winking smile ). Matt gets chocolate sprinkles, but I always get rainbow.

Isn't that thing huge? If that's a small, how in the world does a large not fall right off the cone? Matt had to help me eat about half of it, and I still felt a little sickly by the time I was done.

Tonight was a fun little evening out for sure, but I feel like we've been having these midweek dinners/ice cream runs more frequently lately due to our busy schedules and the gorgeous weather. I'm going grocery shopping in the next day or two, and plan to come up with a list of dinners that sound enticing and are easy to prepare so we are less likely to make these little trips out quite so often.

What kinds of meals do you make that are tasty and easy to prepare? I'd love some new ideas!

I'm turning in early tonight since I have a big day tomorrow and have to be up at the crack of dawn. Enjoy your night!

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