
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pesto Caprese Toasts

Happy Saturday! Coming at you with a really quick breakfast recipe this morning.

I know avocado toast is all the rage these days, and don't get me wrong, I eat my fair share of it. I love avocado on just about anything, and eating it in all its un-mucked-up glory with just some sea salt, olive oil and crushed red pepper on good bread is probably one of my favorite things to eat ever. But...sometimes you just need a change. And it's spring, and basil is making its way back into my kitchen. And basil means pesto.

Basil also means caprese salad. But in this version, I've swapped spinach for the tomatoes and then piled everything up on top of toasted Ezekiel bread. It is so.good. It's garlicky, cheesy, bright, fresh, crunchy, creamy, nutty - literally all the good food adjectives. Matt and I have eaten it both for breakfast and lunch, and I'm sure it'd be good for a mid-afternoon pick me up. What's not to love?

Pesto Caprese Toasts
2 slices of sprouted or whole wheat bread, toasted
1/4 cup basil pesto
2 cups fresh baby spinach leaves
8 oz. buffalo mozzarella, sliced thick
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt
Freshly cracked black pepper
2 Tbsp. fresh basil, chopped

On each slice of toast, spread half the pesto; top with spinach leaves and mozzarella slices, drizzle with olive oil, and top with salt, pepper and fresh basil. Devour.

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