
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Welcome, Carson Leah

She has arrived!

On Monday at 4:36 pm, we finally welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Carson Leah, into the world. She was a tiny 6 pounds 13 ounces, and 21 inches long. Her arrival was a bit chaotic, but we're just thankful she is here and healthy. We are now officially a family of four!

Maybe we knew in the back of our heads she was on her way early, because this past weekend was all about prepping. We did a little relaxing, a little housework, a ton of grocery shopping and a lot of laundry and freezer meal prep.

Both Friday and Saturday evenings consisted of fireside lounging with the family, feet up and s'mores roasting.

Saturday included some errands, including our quarterly food haul at Trader Joe's, and dinner at Matt's sister's house. Then Sunday we spent the entire day cleaning the yard and the house, and rearranging the whole downstairs. We've been thinking about rearranging for a while now, but it all finally just came together since we were able to sell our formal dining room furniture and the very next day replace it with our dream farm table.

We moved our bar into the old dining room (the old bar will now be a playroom for the kids, so they can make a mess of their toys and I don't feel the need to constantly be picking them up), moved our sunroom furniture outside to the new patio, and turned the sunroom into a big eating area with the farm table. The downstairs is now much more functional, has a better flow, and is more kid-friendly without feeling like the house is overrun with toys and kid stuff. I love it!

Matt's family helped with all the furniture moving since I couldn't really lift anything, so I spent a few hours making meals for the freezer for when Carson was born. Little did I know she was due to arrive the next day!

I made homemade pesto, veggie chili, curried carrot soup, and vegetable lasagna with no noodles.

I packed everything into meal-sized containers so we wouldn't have to defrost one thing at a time and eat the same thing for 3 nights in a row.

For dinner that night, I threw together some peach & Cabot cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches using some fresh sweet peaches from my Door to Door Organics box and some whole grain TJ's bread. The combo might sound strange, but let me tell you, they were fantastic. Sweet, tangy, buttery.

I also made homemade pineapple coconut ice pops for a guilt-free frozen summer treat. They're really for Riker, but I'm going to need something sweet once in a while too without splurging for ice cream - time to lose some baby weight!


There are still things around the house I wanted to get done before the baby came, but honestly, we couldn't have been more prepared after all that. I wanted to make sure I felt like things were 100% in order in case she came early. Good thing too, because on Monday morning everything changed. I'll write more about her birth story another day, but we're adjusting well and really enjoying having her here with us.

Can't stop looking at that sweet face!

Welcome, Carson, we love you so much already. <3

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