
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello April

April 1. What? How is it already April and I only have 2 months left until our little family of three becomes a family of four? Crazy! I'll tell you what, though. I am more than happy to leave the bi-polar March weather behind and welcome spring into my life. How about you?

March was a whirlwind month. It was jam-packed from start to finish. Although it was busy, looking back, it was actually a really nice month.

Bridal and baby showers were to be had galore (5 to be exact!), ranging from family to friends to coworkers. That's a lot of showers squeezed into one month, but as I've said before, I really love going to them. Especially when the themes are super cute. I'm a sucker for themed parties.

In baby showers, there was a ladybug one, followed by a "Baby on Board" one (my coworker loves to snowboard).

How cute is that logo? I made a hot chocolate bar for this shower, with homemade chocolate dipped spoons. It was a hit, and perfect for the occasion since the shower happened to take place on a snowy day.

There was also a nautical themed one my friend Heather helped throw, which I adored. It was a brunch complete with a yogurt parfait bar (um, love!) and mimosas in mason jars (even virgin ones for us prego ladies), and everything was color coordinated to match the invitations.

In bridal showers, I had to miss my friend Sarah's shower due to sickness unfortunately, but Matt's cousin Ali's shower was a cute nature themed party. Everything was a "woodsy" decor, and the favors were homemade green tea & lemon sugar scrub in mason jars. Totes right up my alley. The scrub smells amazing and I find myself taking baths at night just so I can use it.

We also had a surprise 50th birthday party for my cousin up in North Jersey, and of course our little babymoon weekend away.

Last weekend Matt also had a bachelor party, so was away in Delaware golfing for three days. Riker and I were left to our own devices, and we had a nice mother-son weekend of playing at the park, going out to dinner just the two of us (no meltdowns for either of us - success!), and making lots of play-dough pies.

In between all that fun, a stomach bug ripped through our house like wildfire....not so fun.

We painted the nursery and got new furniture for baby girl. <3

We came up with a plan for rearranging our entire downstairs (bye-bye fancy dining room, hello Amish farm table and new rustic, family friendly furniture), and we picked out pavers for the new patio Matt's going to start building me next weekend.

I have a sudden urge to do a million house projects and they all MUST be completed like Nesting, much? ;) 

After all that, I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend at home in a few days. All we have planned is a dinner out with friends on Saturday night, and other than that, it's rest time for this girl. Hello, April!

What are you looking forward to this spring?

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