
Saturday, March 15, 2014

St. Patty's Day Roundup

Good morning!

Today started off with a big bowl of oatmeal topped with strawberries & bananas, pecans, a dollop of plain Greek yogurt and a drizzle of real maple syrup. Plus the standard cup of coffee on the side, of course.

My sister Amanda and her boyfriend Justyn are coming into town this morning to stay with us for the weekend, which I've been looking forward to all week. Today Amanda and I are heading out to pick out decor for our little girl's room (so fun!) and the boys are going to paint the nursery. Normally I'd jump in and do the painting (little known fact: I'm crazy good at painting trim), but being prego I'm not allowed in there. I'm perfectly happy to do the shopping instead. ;) Then tonight we're all headed to my cousin's 50th birthday party, and tomorrow to another cousin's bridal shower. It's a family filled weekend!

So anyway, in case you hadn't noticed, St. Patty's Day is only two days away. If I hadn't remembered, my Instagram feed would've reminded me - it's been blowing up with photos and recipes all week long. St. Patty's Day weekends aren't what they used to be for me and Matt; they used to be a day-long Guinness-drinking event in Seaside with 50 of our closest friends.

Talk about throwback pics. We looked so young! Things have changed a bit in the last few years with the arrival of houses and kids to take care of (not that I could hang like that now even if I tried), but even if we aren't partying all day, St. Patty's Day is still a fun day and I like to decorate the house a bit and make some fun foods to celebrate.

Here's a roundup of some of my faves:

Old Fashioned Irish Soda Bread (not dry and crusty like your typical soda bread)

Orange Bourbon Marmalade (great on the soda bread!)

Crockpot Spicy Potato Leek Soup (we ate lots of this in Ireland)

Pesto Popcorn (not Irish, but green, and delicious)

From around the Web:

Jersey Bites St. Patty's Recipes (Make your own Irish Cream!)

Pinterest Inspiration (Paleo peppermint donuts?! I have to make those)

Boozy Lucky Charms Milkshakes (Ok, I probably won't actually make these, but they were too crazy unique not to share. If you make them, tell me how they are!)

Fun & Healthy Kids Recipes (No-dye green pancakes or green pepper shamrocks will likely be making an appearance on Monday morning here)

Happy St. Patty's Day, however you celebrate!

Tell me: What's your favorite St. Patty's recipe or way to celebrate?

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