
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chocolate for Breakfast

Happy belated Valentine's Day! I hope you had a very love-filled day. I started our holiday festivities a little early here, on Thursday night. I was actually supposed to go into the city on Thursday, where we had a work V-Day party planned in the evening, but I woke up to another snowstorm. Beautiful yes, but also hazardous.

I did attempt to go in, but the roads were horrible, so I turned right back around to stay at home. Since I missed the party and it was a cold, snowy day, I figured it was the perfect night to make the Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups I had on the meals list.

I didn't use a recipe, but just cooked together some frozen organic spinach with onions, garlic, crushed red pepper, oregano and s&p. Then I mixed it with some Organic Valley ricotta and mozzarella cheese, rolled the filling into the cooked lasagna noodles, and topped everything with some Trader Joe's marinara. Super simple, and so, so good on a winter night.

I had an extra roll that wouldn't fit, which got its own dish. I'm calling that lunch today. Yum!

I spent the rest of the evening putting together valentine cards for Riker's daycare party, and making Peanut Butter Truffles and chocolate covered strawberries for dinner at our friends Chris & Karla's house last night.

Those chocolate peanut butter balls of goodness are always a hit. Every last one of them got eaten.

Yesterday morning I got the special treat of having both my boys home for breakfast on Valentine's Day, since Matt had off from work. I woke up early and treated them to a homemade pancake & strawberry breakfast before I headed into my office to start the work day.

I wanted to make the paleo pancakes we had last weekend, but I didn't have any frozen bananas so had to go with my old standby Joy of Cooking recipe. I lightened them up a bit by swapping half the wheat flour for coconut flour, trading white sugar for coconut palm sugar, and using unsweetened almond milk in place of regular milk. The coconut flour is a lot more dense than regular flour - which I found out as I was mixing the batter and it became extremely thick - so I had to add more liquid than usual. But in the end they turned out great.

A few presents and cards were to be had as well, of course. One of the things I gave Matt was a photo book of our cross country trip nearly 7 years ago, on which we got engaged. I had kept a travel journal during the trip, so I typed all 4 weeks of my handwritten notes and included them with the pictures from the trip. This is what I'd been staying up super late for last weekend making. It came out great and he loved it. I had a lot of fun making it too, since I got to relive all the great memories as I was typing up the travel journal. What a great trip that was - I can't wait to do it again someday!

Riker got a little box of chocolates (the kid is a chocolate fiend), and I let him have it after breakfast. Bad mom? I mean, it was Valentine's Day after all.

You should've seen the look on his face when I let him open his box of chocolates and actually eat one in the morning. He was like, "(shock) Really?!?!" Priceless. And if you're wondering why my child is now suddenly bald, it's because on Thursday Matt decided to "give him a trim" and set the buzzer as low as it would go. On the first pass he took a huge chunk out of poor Riker's hair, and there was no saving it. He had to shave the whole thing. I almost died - I loved his hair! - but thankfully Riker doesn't seem to mind. Oy!


This morning started with a spinach smoothie to get my energy flowing and detox from the sugar I ate yesterday. Love these things.

Next up is yoga, then ice skating with the fam, a manicure, and then getting dolled up to go out with my Valentine tonight. We had a great evening with a group of our friends at Chris & Karla's last night with all the kids, but I'm looking forward to a date night with Matt tonight. It's been a while since we had a solo dinner out, and we're trying a place we've never been, so I'm excited. Plus it's a 3 day weekend for both of us. Could it get any better? I'm feeling very warm & happy about this weekend so far. :)

Enjoy your Saturday!

What do you have planned for the weekend?

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