
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Taking Me Time

Morning friends! It's a beautiful one here today, with cold, crisp air, a soft peachy sunrise and an almost eerie glow to the sky, just ominous enough to let us know a storm is on the way. I was supposed to go into the city for work today and tomorrow, but they're calling for 8-12 inches of snow by us this afternoon and tonight, so I'm not really feeling a NYC commute home tonight. Instead, I'm hunkering down in my home office to work in my sweatpants and watch the snow fall outside. Not a bad way to spend the work day. To get it started, I brought back one of my summertime breakfast staples - the yogurt parfait in a jar. I've missed them!

So how was the rest of your weekend? A couple things characterized the mood around here...1) Riker was really sick on Saturday afternoon, 2) My lovely husband saw that I needed a little "me time" and sent me off on Sunday to do whatever I pleased, and 3) the Patriots lost the Championship game. Some ups and downs in there to be sure.

Let's start with this guy. Tell me that's not the saddest looking little toddler face.

Riker was a little fussy Saturday morning but nothing crazy, so I didn't think much of toting him off to the gym while Matt was at fishing club. Not 20 minutes into my treadmill workout did the gym daycare page me, saying Riker was hysterically crying and I had to take him home. :/ We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening cuddled up watching Monsters, Inc. and Sesame Street. Thankfully he started feeling much better around 8:00, ate a big dinner and slept peacefully through the night so no ER visits were had on Sunday.

Sunday morning began with a bang when Matt offered to make me this for breakfast.

A homemade crab cake (leftover from Christmas, which we had in the freezer) topped with a perfectly cooked fried egg, avocado and a squeeze of fresh lemon.

Sooo good!

After breakfast all I wanted to do was spend a little time working on the blog and doing some other things on my list, which I didn't get to Friday night since Matt went mountain biking and didn't do Saturday since Riker was sick. Well Sunday didn't go much better, because when Riker isn't sick, it's hard to get much down time. It's mostly "Mom! mom! mom! Play, play play!" all day long, which don't get me wrong, I love, but sometimes a mom needs a little "me time" too. Rather than voicing this, I started to get cranky. Matt noticed right away and told me I should get out of the house and go take some time for myself. It's often hard for me to do that - to recognize that I need time for myself and then not feel guilty about taking it (I even made it a New Year's Resolution last year) - so I'm really grateful for a husband that tells me it's okay to get away for a bit and encourages me to do so.

After he said that, I immediately went up and changed for the gym; there aren't many things better for curing a negative mood that getting those endorphins running! After a nice workout, I did a little shopping and then went down to my favorite new little coffee shop, Revolutionary Cafe. I've been waiting for such a place to open in Toms River! It has a cute atmosphere and serves fair trade coffees and lots of vegetarian dishes made with locally sourced ingredients. My kind of place.

I brought my laptop so I could get some posts written for Jersey Bites while I relaxed with a fun coffee drink and some lunch. Not only did I get all my posts written, I finally ordered thank you cards for Riker's birthday (I know, so late!) and got started on a Valentine's Day gift I'm making for Matt.

It's amazing what I can get done in an hour of quiet time to myself. ;) For lunch I ordered a lemon basil grilled tofu sandwich, served with mesclun greens on whole grain bread with homemade warm black pepper pita crisps on the side.

It was really good, but also really filling, so I only ate half and brought the rest home. It was such a great morning and I felt much more rested and relaxed when I got back home. Thanks babe for forcing me to take some "me time"!

The rest of Sunday afternoon/evening was spent watching the Patriots lose (boo) and then hosting a party for Matt's coworkers to come over and taste test his new beers during the Seahawks/49ers game. That was a much more exciting game than the Pats one, I'll tell ya.

And now we're back at the work week. Have a good one, and stay warm if you're in the eye of the storm like we are!

Tell me: What do you like to do when taking "me time" for yourself?

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