
Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year Muffins (Paleo Banana Walnut)

Happy belated New Year friends! We rang in the New Year in a low key way this year, starting with a quiet dinner for two at a local seafood restaurant, Latitudes, where we ran into our friends Forrest and Casey whom we shared a drink with as well.

We ordered calamari with spicy pickled peppers for an appetizer, followed by salads and then entrees of surf & turf and lobster mac & cheese.

I literally never order mac & cheese since I usually feel guilty about eating something so rich, but it was a special New Years menu and I was dying for lobster, so I took the plunge. I have to say, I was a tad disappointed. The "mac & cheese" was more like penne alfredo and the lobster was overcooked and a little tough. Sometimes I wonder if I watch too much Top Chef because I might've liked it had I not been so nitpicky. Oh well. Foodie I am!

After dinner we spent the rest of the evening at Matt's parents' house with them and MomMom and Riker, eating snacks (like we needed more of them), some dessert (I had made a chocolate walnut strudel for the bunch) and watching Rockin' New Year's Eve.

We let Riker stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop. I honestly didn't think he'd make it, but he was a trooper and sat snuggled up with me for the last hour watching the show and waiting for his sparkling grape juice at 12:00. He slept in until 9:30 AM the next day so it was a win for all of us. ;)


Today is my last day of vacation, and we're going out with a bang. It started snowing like crazy around 6:00 last night and we woke up to a winter wonderland.

I love it!

Matt went back to work yesterday but had a snow day today (nothing like a 1 day work week!) so our little troop is cozied up at home together. When Riker woke up he asked for muffins for breakfast, and I heartily agreed. Not only can I not say "no" to that little Mickey Mouse voice asking for muffins, but snow days call for warm, comforting breakfasts.


That said, now that the holidays are over I'm getting back on the wagon with healthy eating. I threw out the remaining Christmas cookies the other day and shopped for all new, fresh foods yesterday, and it feels really good to have the house stocked with clean foods again rather than all kinds of cheeses, olives, fudge and other holiday snacks. Sooo, I didn't want to break down and make sugary, carby, buttery muffins on January 3.

I whipped up a batch of paleo muffins using coconut flour, coconut oil, bananas and walnuts. No sugar and no refined flour. These muffins are not sweet, but they have a good bread texture and a crunchy walnut top. We all enjoyed them. I liked mine best smeared with a little organic natural peanut butter.

Everything is closed today so there isn't much on the agenda other then some snowman-making once it warms up, and starting Season 5 of Sons of Anarchy when Riker goes down for a nap. We finished Season 4 last night and are on another of our SOA benders. :0

Paleo Banana Walnut Muffins

Makes 12 muffins (adapted from this recipe)

4 bananas
4 eggs
1/2 cup pecan butter
2 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350. Mash bananas with a fork, then add to a large mixing bowl. Add eggs, pecan butter, coconut oil and vanilla; blend to combine.

Add all dry ingredients. Mix well, using a hand mixer or wooden spoon. (Batter will be a little chunky, do not overbeat.) 

Pour batter into greased muffins tins, and top with chopped walnuts. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean. 

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