
Monday, December 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Well Thanksgiving is over and it's officially the Christmas season. I'm so excited! This is easily my most favorite time of the year. We arrived home from Vermont yesterday around 5:30 and immediately unloaded the car so we could go pick out our tree. We were too tired to decorate last night, but it's our annual tradition to get our tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving and we weren't about to change that.

This was the first year Riker actually got involved with picking the tree, which made it even more fun.

Vermont Weekend

We arrived at my parents' last Wednesday, and my sister Amanda and her boyfriend Justyn came the next morning. My parents are planning to move south within the next year, so a few weeks ago they sold their house - my childhood home - and moved into an apartment downtown until they are ready to leave New England. I was a little sad and worried that the new place wouldn't feel like home, but my mom made the apartment all cozy with a mix of new decor and things from our old house; with all the family there, it really still felt like home.

Our three days consisted of a lot of family time, relaxation, cooking and eating (of course), movies, games and bundling up like marshmallows every time we went outside. It was only 1 degree on Saturday morning! Our weekend looked a little like this:

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Sunday started with a breakfast casserole and berry pancakes made by my grandma and mom, and we were on the road by 9:00 am. I ate pretty much whatever I wanted this weekend, so needless to say it was a smoothie and salad kind of Monday here.

It felt good to gobble up a bunch of veggies.

Time to wind down now and settle in for the night, I am off to the city for work tomorrow. Gotta get back into the old routine.

How was your holiday weekend?

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