
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Too-Short Weekend

This weekend has gone by entirely too fast. It seems like it was just Friday afternoon and now I'm prepping lunches and gearing up for another week ahead. I am super excited that this is the last full week of work before Thanksgiving and a nice little break from the usual routine.

Although this weekend felt short, it really was a nice and relaxing one. Friday evening was low key with dinner and a movie at home. I had a meeting up in north Jersey and arrived home about 6:00 to the smell of Ahi tuna cooking in the kitchen.

Matt seared it in the cast iron skillet with a little butter, soy sauce and sesame seeds, and served zucchini slices on the side. So good! I fell asleep on the couch watching Just Friends, an oldie but goodie, and one of my faves to get into the Christmas movie season.

Saturday consisted of a bunch of errands, grocery shopping and stuff around the house, but it started with a delicious family breakfast at our favorite diner, Four Seasons.

We had absolutely no food in the house and our grumbling tummies wouldn't have made it through a whole shopping trip without some breakfast, so it was a good excuse to go out for lox eggs Benedict. I think I get this every time I go out for breakfast now; never gets old. I asked them to sub out fruit for the potatoes, but they ended up bringing me fruit AND potatoes. Which kind of stunk because I can't not eat at least a few homefries when they're sitting right on my plate. Oh well. I made up for it by having yogurt and berries for lunch.

The best part of the day though, was meeting up with a few of my best girlfriends for a girls evening out.

We haven't had a girls dinner in a while, and our little group has a lot of things to celebrate all the sudden - new jobs, new houses, and new babies on the way. So many exciting things going on! We had planned to get together anyway, but then we found out it was Jersey Shore Restaurant Week, so the dinner date was sealed. After much back and forth and multiple reservations made and broken (we are so picky about menus!), we finally settled on The Lobster Shanty in Point Pleasant. I joked that it seemed a little classy for our group, since it was reserved and quiet, and we can get a little loud and giggly when we're all together. Hopefully no one minded. ;)

In addition to having Restaurant Week, they were also featuring a "Lobster Mania" fixed menu so I went with that option. I started with lobster bisque and then my entree was a broiled half lobster with coconut shrimp.

How huge is that plate? I had thought the lobster would be de-shelled since it was broiled rather than steamed, but they made me work for it. It was really good though.

Dessert, however, was sorely disappointing. There were three options - blueberry cobbler, key lime pie (my first choice, but they were sold out) and a chocolate fudge sundae. Something about hot fudge sounded really appealing to me so I went with that. And was served something out of a hospital cafeteria.

There was no hot fudge on there, my friends. It was plain old boring Hershey's syrup. I was so bummed! That didn't stop me from eating the whole thing though. Apparently I have a problem not eating things that are sitting in front of me for too long.

Dessert aside, it was a great evening and so fun to catch up with the girls.


Today Riker and I were home the two of us all day since Matt left before the crack of dawn to go striped bass fishing (and brought home 6 fresh fish!). I made yogurt bowls for breakfast and then we settled in for a morning of watching The Polar Express and doing some online Christmas shopping.

I don't know what it is about this year, but I am getting into the spirit waaaay earlier than I usually do. Maybe it's because of Riker, maybe it's because T-day is a little later than usual this year, and maybe it's also partly because I'm already having to start planning some holiday posts for Jersey Bites and Recipe ReDux...which resulted in a little kitchen playtime today.

Oh mama. I whipped up some salty & sweet popcorn this afternoon that will be up on the blog in a few days, and

Good thing I ate a somewhat decent lunch - a simple sandwich on sprouted wheat bread with mesclun greens, cucumbers and Cabot cheddar, with a side of celery sticks - because after munching on sugary popcorn late afternoon, I completely lost my appetite for dinner.

I think I'm gonna skip the evening meal and just make some tea to sip on for the weekly ritual of Sunday Night Football and laundry-folding.

How was your weekend?

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