
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Breakfast for Dinner

Well it's Thursday night, and I'm really excited because today is actually my Friday. I have a bunch of vacation days I need to use up before the end of the year, and Matt has off school tomorrow so I decided to take the day off to extend the weekend a bit longer. We have no real plans other than starting to shop for Riker's birthday presents (how is he turning 2 already?!) and having an evening pizza play date with our friends Chris & Karla, so I'm really looking forward to a nice relaxing couple of days. 

I got home from work in the city around 8:30 tonight with one thing on my mind: staying up late to watch Thursday Night Football, which never happens since we usually have work on Friday, and breakfast for dinner.

Oh, yes. I've had a super ripe avocado in the fridge since yesterday, and literally all day long I've been craving an egg & cheese sandwich with avocado on Ezekiel bread. Like, daydreaming of Miami breakfasts and thinking of this every hour since the moment I woke up until the moment I got home.

I know, it's a weird thing to obsess about all day. But it was sooo good. Everything I hoped and dreamed.

I've actually been eating breakfast for dinner a lot lately, but it's mainly been in the form of peanut butter toast or "ice cream" smoothies. I haven't been feeling up to par for the last few day - actually weeks - with a never-ending dull headache, stuffy nose, sore throat and general tiredness. Fun, right? I've been trying to push through and keep to my normal routine, but it's been tough to eat full meals with vegetables every night for dinner. Needless to say, a lot of the dinners on my meals list have gone unmade. :/ Smoothies have been my go-to breakfast, snack and lunch on many a tired day.

My two faves lately have been the strawberry and the peanut butter banana smoothies. I make them so thick that I can eat them with a spoon out of a bowl, and it tastes almost, almost like soft serve ice cream. Soothing on the throat!

In the berry one I put:

- 1 cup frozen organic strawberries
- 1 scoop Essential Natural vanilla cake protein powder
- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

In the banana one goes:

- 1 frozen banana, sliced
- 1 scoop Essential Natural vanilla cake protein powder
- 1 Tbsp. PB2
- 1 Tbsp. organic all natural peanut butter
- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

Never fails, delicious every time.

Candle Giveaway Winner

And we finally have a winner for the Diamond Candles giveaway - congratulations to Jillian Toomey! I'll email you your coupon code and you can get to work picking out your candle.