
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Meeting John Goodman

It's already Tuesday and I'm behind the game with the weekend update, so here we go with a quick one!

Riker wasn't feeling well on Friday or Saturday so I spent a lot of time at home.

That would be "chicken parmesan" with spaghetti squash and Lightlife soy "chicken", and it was delish.

The seasonal closet switchover: Out with the summer colors...

In with the fall!

Sunday included a few errands and an afternoon at the horse races celebrating MomMom's 91st birthday. No joke, I haven't had this much fun in a while. I won $7 on my first bet! :)

After the races we had a Breaking Bad finale party at our house with the family. No party is complete without some dessert, so I made homemade strawberry shortcakes. Aren't those apple shaped biscuits the cutest? 

The recipe will be coming your way eventually, it was sooo good.


I came into the city for work yesterday and actually ended up staying overnight here since my best friend from high school, Julie, was in town promoting a new movie. Every time she comes to New York I try to stay with her for one night so we can catch up.

She's staying at The London, which is a beautiful hotel only a 20 minute walk from my office. When I arrived around 7 we had a quick dinner at the hotel restaurant, Gordon Ramsay's Maze.

We split the tuna tartar appetizer and then I went for the crispy salmon for my entree (which went devoured, unpictured). Then the coolest thing of all happened. Julie was headed out for a media event for a few hours but took me up to see the actors' hospitality suite before she left, and her client John Goodman was there unexpectedly. We got to sit and hang out with him for a good half hour before they had to leave for the event. I didn't want to be annoying and ask for a picture, but this is all I could think of while he was talking:

"Mark it zero!" Omg I love him. He was so nice and down to earth, and that pretty much made my year.

I stayed in the hotel room and worked for a few hours while Julie was out doing her thing with the movie crew, but when she got back we went down to Maze with the rest of her peeps for a late night snack.

I feel like I've had a lot of wine and cheese lately.

I just woke up to room service and now I need to get my butt moving for another work day. 

Up and at 'em, as my mom would say!