
Monday, October 28, 2013

Festive Weekend

Happy Monday, everybody! First things first: If you haven't entered the Diamond Candle giveaway yet, head over there and sign up. You could win a delicious smelling candle worth $25. One week left to enter!

We had one fall-filled weekend here, and it was awesome. All last week Matt and I were feeling pretty under the weather and went to bed around 8:30 each night as soon as Riker went to sleep, which is why we've had a bit of a blog drought for the last few days. It's been all saltine crackers, soup and early bedtimes. And chocolate chip cookies.

All those nights of getting 9 hours of sleep finally did the trick, though, and we both woke up on Saturday feeling refreshed and much better. Thank goodness! We started the day with breakfast and housework at home, then headed to the park for a little playground action for Riker and family nature walk.

We're having such beautiful fall weather - crisp, leave-crunching, boot weather. I adore it. Early afternoon we left the park to attend a very special party: the gender reveal of my good friend Lindsay's new baby! She and her husband Ryan had all the family and close friends over for lunch, a bidding war over boy vs. girl, and the big surprise. So much fun! I love this new tradition. And in case you want to know...

It's a boy! We have a lot of little girls in the circle of friends, so I'm excited for another boy in the bunch. And how cute are Ryan and Lindsay? They're so excited and are going to make great parents.

I really didn't feel like cooking after being out all day, so for dinner we used up a coupon we had for a family dinner at Via Napoli. I didn't snap a picture, but I had a salad and a splurge dinner of penna vodka with shrimp. It was deeelicious.


Yesterday Matt had a biathlon in North Jersey, which I was originally planning to attend to cheer him on, but we felt like it'd be a long day for Riker between the drive and waiting around for the race to finish. So we split up, Matt and his friend Chris heading up to race, and Riker and I tagging along with Heather, Kevin and their two girls to Storybook Land. Much better option for my little munchkin.

Heather and I joke that we're sister wives when Matt's not around. ;) Storybook Land was all decked out for fall, and the kids had such a fun time going through the hay maze, going on rides and trick or treating in their costumes.

I just love them. Too cute!

It was a long day but a really fun one. I really felt like just collapsing when I got back home around 5:30, but I pushed through to make some dinner for the fam. Two spinach lasagnas were on the meals list - one for dinner, and one for the freezer. I see a scary pattern starting...cold weather, pasta dinners. So much for my low carb commitment! Oh well, sometimes you just need some carbs in your life.

Riker and Matt are now currently carving up pumpkins in kitchen and then it's time for this bunch to relax. (Oy, don't mind the cloth diapers drying in the background - probably TMI for your poor eyes, but it's life.)

Hope you had a great weekend!