
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Argos Farm

Good morning friends! How's everyone's weekend going so far? I haven't done much cooking so far this weekend other than a quick salmon curry on Friday night before our weekly Sons of Anarchy ritual, but I'm hoping to change that later tonight and make a big pot of cauliflower soup for the week. The curry was decent but nothing to brag home about. I've gotta make some tweaks to make it spicier.

Saturday morning started with omelets made by Matt, big cups of coffee and then yoga with the girls. Matt and I decided a few weeks ago that we would take turns every other Saturday doing our exercise of choice since he loves to go mountain biking and I love to do yoga at the studio, neither of which is conducive to having Riker with us. Yesterday was my turn, and after yoga Heather, Cathleen and I went to a local coffee shop for some pumpkin lattes and a light lunch.

I ordered the special salad, which was Thai shrimp over caesar. It was really tasty but kind of a salad fail if you're looking for veggies. The lettuce was a mere vehicle for parmesan dressing and crispy fried shrimp. Oh well, I ate and enjoyed almost all of it.

When I got home Matt and I had plans to take Riker to a local farm for some fall fun.

Argos Farm in Lacey was like a country amusement park for toddlers. He absolutely loved this place. For $20 total (Riker was free) we got 4 hours of non-stop fun and excitement for this kid.

Hay rides, slides, pig races, farm animals, pumpkin picking, corn maze, I mean what more could you want? Matt knew some of the managers there since he's a teacher in that town, so they even gave us some of our pumpkins for free and gave Riker a free pony ride. Gotta love teacher appreciation. ;)

A day at the farm isn't complete without a snack, so of course we had to get some freshly popped kettle corn and an apple cider donut to share.

If you're a local I highly recommend this place!

For dinner Matt and I actually had a date night planned which we were both really excited about. I'll be heading to Vermont next weekend with Riker, then to Indianapolis for work, so we won't have much time to spend together over the next week. A date night was definitely in order. We made a reservation at Xina, a Chinese bistro, sushi and oyster bar we'd been wanting to try forever. It's BYOB so we brought a bottle of our Nicholson Ranch orange muscat wine from Napa that was supposed to be great with sushi (and it was); we were a little early for our reservation, though, so stopped off for a quick cocktail at Aqua Blu, which is right across the street, before going to the restaurant.

By the time we finally sat down to dinner we were starving. We ordered a few apps and a bunch of sushi rolls, and everything was fantastic.

I'll be doing a review for Jersey Bites soon and will have a bunch more pics to share there.

Well it's time for me to drown my cup of coffee and jump in the shower. I have a baby shower up north with my family today, and am looking forward to spending time with my sister and cousins. Enjoy your Sunday!

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