
Monday, September 9, 2013

Laughter for the Soul

Ah, another Monday. This weekend was spent doing a few of my favorite things, and a few of my not-so-favorite things. Friday night was a homebody night, which was much needed and really great. I worked until about 8 until Matt dragged me from my office and cracked open a bottle of red we bought at the wine fest last weekend.

We ordered pizza - real pizza - as our cheat meal for the week and ate it while sipping the wine and watching three more episodes of Sons of Anarchy. Omg I told you I was hooked again. I love those kinds of Friday nights.

Saturday included a little gym action, some housework and some errands, which I'll be honest, none of which are my favorite things. BUT, late afternoon we dropped Riker off at his grandparents and packed up some tailgating gear since we had a pretty awesome evening planned.

A few months ago I gave Matt tickets to the Oddball Comedy Fest for our anniversary, and the night finally arrived. So many great comedians were there - Hannibal Burris, Jeff Ross, Al Madrigal, Kristen Schaal, Sarah Silverman (a surprise guest!) and most importantly, Dave Chappelle. They were all amazing, but my favorite was actually Flight of the Conchords. I used to love their show on HBO and they killed it. SO funny.

We had a really great time. We had lawn seats so we sat in beach chairs eating salads in a jar and drinking Coronas and just cracking up for five whole hours.

Laughter is just so good for the soul. Watching Matt laugh so hard was making me laugh even harder. I love this pic!

Sunday morning came really fast, and Matt had soccer so was out the door early. I made a nice leisurely Sunday breakfast for me and Riker - broccoli & basil omelets. With buttered toast. It was Sunday and I was tired.

I never make omelets that look that pretty, and I was pretty proud of myself for flipping and folding it so nicely this time. Yes!

The rest of Sunday included a lot of cleaning and organizing, some work, some cooking for the week, taco salads for dinner...

...and a bunch of football watching in between.


Speaking of, I've got a pile of clean laundry to fold and an Eagles game to watch. Have a good night!

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