
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I'm a bit delayed on my weekend recap, but it was a good one so we'll play catch up today. It was a weekend of birthday celebrations, which is never a bad thing.

Saturday morning started with some much-needed "me time" at my favorite yoga studio. I've done yoga at home a few times recently, but haven't been to the studio in a while...and there really is no comparison between doing a video in my living room and enjoying the soothing atmosphere, encouraging company and inspiring instructor of going to a class. Love.

The rest of the day consisted of making salads for lunch and running errands and stopping by my sister-in-law's house to drop off some cleaning supplies and food for the crew working on their deck and porch.

All very exciting. But Saturday late afternoon, I met up with Heather, Cathleen and her boyfriend Jon for a trip into NYC to celebrate our good friend Abby's birthday. There actually ended up being a good size group of all our best friends, so fun.

We started out at a little tapas bar for happy hour, food and live Spanish music and flamenco dancers.

We spent a few hours there, nibbling on hummus and goat cheese tarts and chatting loudly over cocktails, before going to the real event of the evening - karaoke! I must admit, I'm a big karaoke fan. Judge me, I don't care. Give me a few sangrias or Jack & Gingers (or, ahem, both) and I'll be right up there singing Bon Jovi and Journey.

I was bummed Matt couldn't come (someone's gotta stay home with our little guy) but I had a great night with the girls. I originally planned on staying overnight, but caught a ride home with some friends around midnight. I'm glad I did so I could have the whole day at home on Sunday. Which started as all the best Sundays too, with coffee, pancakes and eggs. Followed by yard work, and lots of it.

Followed by more salad, some computer work, and then football.

Followed by takeout sushi for dinner, and then cake baking to commemorate MomMom's 92nd birthday.

Are you sick of me saying "followed by" yet? Ok I'll stop, so we can talk about cake for a minute. I'll be the first to admit I do enjoy a good old box cake mix. I mean, it's moist and delicious. But it's also really garbage and filled with chemicals and processed ingredients. Also, I really felt like baking - like real baking - with my counter full of flour and the windows open and my cinnamon roll candle burning and football sounds coming from the living room. I love fall baking. And this face.

I used a trusty yellow cake recipe from Joy of Cooking, and added a ton of sprinkles to turn it into homemade Funfetti. Then I made homemade vanilla frosting, also with sprinkles. It turned out just as moist and delicious - if not more so - than the box.

We toted the cake over to Missy's house after dinner to wish MomMom a very happy birthday with the rest of the family.

We'll be doing a full celebration next Sunday (going to the horse races!) but I'm glad we got to spend a little time with her that day.

And all that was...wait for it...followed by the second to last episode of Breaking Bad. #omg. I can't believe it's almost over! I'm so happy it won the best drama Emmy on Sunday night (which I did not watch, because football and Breaking Bad always take priority). I'm thinking a season finale party might be in order next Sunday night.

P.S. I'm now on Instagram! And already highly addicted. If you Instagram, follow me here. I'd love to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vincent, Thanks for the invite! I've added my blog to Petitchef :)
