
Friday, September 20, 2013

A Week's Worth of Meals

Well, it's nearly 10:00 pm on Friday night and I feel like it's the first time I've sat down to relax all week. Talk about a busy couple of days! I didn't have much time to post during the week, but I did snap pics of all my dinners so we could check in and see how last week's meal planning went. Considering this was one of my busiest weeks in a while - 3 days in the city, two late nights, Matt with an evening soccer game and a fundraising event - I'd say it went pretty well. I'm tellin' you, meal planning is the only way I can make myself stick to eating healthy during such crazy weeks.

Here's a snapshot of the last week:

On Sunday night I prepped a big veggie lasagna so we would have dinner on Monday night and a few lunches for the week.

I used this recipe by Food Babe for Vegetable Lasagna with No Noodles, and it was fantastic. Honestly we didn't miss the noodles one bit.

I never thought to put kale on top of lasagna, and it was awesome. The kale got crunchy and crispy under the cheese and made for a great texture. Yum. 

Dinner on Monday night was taken care of, so when I got home from the city we got to just nuke the lasagna and then relax with Monday Night Football.


Tuesday was my one day home this week, so when I finished work at 6:00 I had time to make a pot of homemade butternut squash soup.

I roasted off the veggies for 30 minutes, then cooked the soup for 30 minutes, and in one hour we had steaming bowls of orange goodness. I twisted the recipe up this time and it was a good one, so I'll share it soon. The good thing about big pots of soup is I got a second dinner and another two lunches out of it as well.


Wednesday was a city day, so quick-cooking scallops were on the menu. While the scallops were searing, I made a quick batch of massaged kale salad dressed with flax seed oil, lemon juice and fresh garlic.

We had leftover butternut squash soup on the side. This was the epitome of a fall meal. Loved it!


Last night was a really late one for both me and Matt, so we kept dinner really simple. We consulted the meals list and went with Cod with Avocado Tomatillo Sauce from a paleo cookbook. Even though this was a "Fun" meal with a new recipe, this literally took 20 minutes to make. It was citrusy, light and so, so good.

Granted we didn't make any side dishes to go with it, but meh, who needs 'em. Especially when you're eating it on the couch (spot the remote control behind the fork?).


And it's finally Friday! Fridays are usually "Freebie" days, but I'm going into the city tomorrow night with the girls to celebrate my good friend Abby's birthday, and I know we'll be going out to dinner, so I didn't want to blow a Freebie night on ordering out tonight.

After feeding Riker and putting him to bed, I cooked a Lightlife soy burger and put together some quick lettuce tacos with salsa, avocado and red peppers. And a pumpkin beer on the side. 

I'm eating these guys watching Bridesmaids on TV since Matt has another soccer event tonight. Not a bad way to spend a solo Friday evening. :) Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

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