
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Putting Down the To-Do List

As I've said many times before, I love summer weeknights. With warmer days and longer evenings, we're more apt to break up the work week by doing fun things with friends and family. Last night our friends Chris & Karla came over with their two kids for a little play date and BBQ, and tonight I got an impromptu invite from my in-laws to go on a sunset boat ride on Barnegat Bay.

I had a late night of work last night after Chris & Karla went home, so I was determined to finish work by 6:30 this evening so I could relax with the fam. That plan almost went down the tubes as I got caught up in a project, and Matt called me saying he would be home late, and Riker was with his grandparents - a quiet house just makes it too easy to keep working beyond when I really need to. But when Matt's mom called me to meet them at the marina for an evening boat excursion, I took it as a sign. Sometimes you just need to force yourself to walk away from the to-do list and go enjoy life for a while.

What a beautiful night. I love the serenity of the bay in the evening, when everything gets quiet as the sun goes down.

And lucky me, Riker and I came home to dinner on the table in the form of fried green tomato & mozzarella napoleons and a side of almond crusted grouper. Yum.

I love fried green tomatoes and have been itching for them all summer. Matt is a master at making them, and this time he made them with almond flour instead of regular flour or breadcrumbs.

Love that gooey fresh mozz. The napoleons tasted way better than they looked; they came out a little messy once the cheese started to melt, but I can promise they were ama-z-ing. They were tangy, sweet, salty and crunchy.

I'm feeling wiped so an early bedtime is in my future. I'm going into the city for work tomorrow for the first Friday in a really long time, but I'm excited because 1) Summer Fridays mean I get done at 2:00 tomorrow and 2) Matt and Riker are coming in to meet me so we can all spend the afternoon in the city. We're going to give Riker his first experience in Times Square and I'm sure he's going to love it. Night friends!

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