
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

San Fran Days

The second day of our vacation started with an early morning fire to stave off the chilly, foggy morning, yogurt and fruit for breakfast at home, and stiff coffee in Vallejo while we waited for a ferry to take us across the San Francisco Bay.

We planned to spend our day in the city, and thought it would be nice and leisurely to take the scenic ferry into San Fran rather than drive. Apparently 1 1/2 year olds don't think ferries are very fun or relaxing. Every picture I have with Riker looks like this one. Lol. ;)

I'd been told that one of the best things to do in San Francisco is walk from the wharf along Crissy Park all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge, and after being in the car all day on Monday, a long walk sounded great. We had a pit stop for chowder, crab and sourdough at Fisherman's Wharf and then headed out for a 6 mile walk along the water.

The walk was long but we saw some beautiful scenery and great sites - Alcatraz, palm trees, the famous bridge, clear blue water (I swear, it was prettier than these pictures!), and the skyline along the bay.

The walk ended with a short hike up a steep hill to the top of the bridge, which had gorgeous views of the bay and city.

We unfortunately got lost on our way back taking a really long bus detour before finally just hitching a cab back to the wharf, and by that time Riker was starving and antsy and in no mood to sit down at Pier 23 Cafe which I'd been dying to try. We switched up plans and went to Pier 39 instead - the famous dock filled with eateries, ice cream shops, rides and street performers. And wild sea lions! Much better option for a  hungry toddler who wants to run around.

Over 6 miles of walking = no guilt on a double scoop waffle cone.

A short ferry ride home at sunset and we were home by nightfall, in time to put Riker to bed and enjoy a glass of wine and some card playing on the deck. I really did have my heart set on trying Pier 23 Cafe, though, so we decided to go back in on Saturday to re-do San Fran and not spend the whole day taking the ferry and walking to the bridge. It ended up being a perfect decision since we had more time to relax at home in the morning, and more time to enjoy the city in the afternoon.

Serendipitously, we found out the day before that one of Matt's old friends and fraternity brothers, Damon, had recently moved to San Francisco, so he and his girlfriend Emily met us at the pier for an early dinner and a walk down the Embarcadero.

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (which I take very seriously) gave major props to Pier 23 Cafe's whole roasted Dungeness Crab and fresh fish tacos, so of course we had to try both. They didn't disappoint - they were both delicious! The cafe also had ginger beer which I love, so I washed it all down with a refreshing Moscow Mule.

There's aren't many things that make me happier than outdoor dining on the water, fresh seafood, and a cocktail shared with family and friends.

And now I'm off to bed for an early morning of work in the city tomorrow. More on Cali later!

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