
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fair Days

Friday night we kicked the weekend off with a little impromptu date night. I worked a lot of late nights last week and Matt and I felt like we needed a little "us time," so after Riker went to bed Matt's mom kept an eye on him for a few hours while we went for a pint and some garlic clams.

On the way home we stopped and splurged for Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie to eat straight out of the pint on the couch. It was just that kind of week.

When I woke up yesterday morning I was really exhausted and just felt like lying around for a little while. I think Riker knew it because he took an epic 4 hour nap. Amazing! Normally when Riker goes down for a nap we take the time to get stuff done around the house, but not yesterday. When he napped, I sipped on coffee and caught up on cooking shows I've been taping for weeks. Then I read for a while (I finished Firefly Lane and I'm halfway through Dan Brown's new book, Inferno), and then Matt and I dozed off for a little while ourselves. Let me tell you, it felt glorious to be that lazy on a Saturday.

Once Riker finally got up, we spent the afternoon on yard work.

The garden is in full swing! A lot of weeding had to be done, so I took care of gardening while Matt mowed the lawn. The vegetable garden has been planted for a while, but I never had a chance to do my herb garden and have had planters of basil, thyme and sage sitting in their plastic containers for about a month. They're finally in the ground!

We plucked some garden veggies and fired up the garden for lunch. We had fresh cucumbers with salt & pepper (a summer favorite), grilled carrots & broccoli, charred hot peppers, and grilled sausages (chicken for the boys, soy for me).

The grilled hot peppers were so good. Yum!

We wrapped up the day with a fun filled evening at the annual Ocean County Fair. A first for the Riker, and he loved it!

There were tons of animals to pet, rides to go on, shows to watch and snacks to eat. A fair is always a good time.

Gah, that grin! I can't take it. He's turning into such a little kid.

We're headed out now for round 2 at the fair with Heather and Kevin. There's got to be some things we missed yesterday. :)

Enjoy your Sunday!

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