
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Catching Up

And so ends another busy week! I feel like it's been forever since my last post, and we have some catching up to do. This week started with a work trip to Boston and ended with 9 PM takeout eaten on the couch with an SVU marathon. Lately I feel like I'm spending half my life inside a hotel room.

Don't get me wrong, I love to travel, but with seemingly back to back trips to Germany, St. Louis, Miami, Boston - and now I'm going to Vegas next week - I'm hoping to have a little bit more of a break before the next one. It's a challenge being away from Riker so often and trying to catch up on everyday life in between all the trips and weekend happenings.

But anyway, Boston! The trip was actually really great both professionally and personally. My best friend from childhood lives in B-town, and since I didn't have any client responsibilities on Monday night we were able to grab dinner together.

Julie picked me up and took me to Yard House at Fenway, which serves about a million craft beers and a bunch of eclectic American fare. We started with an Ahi tuna, jicama and avocado poke bowl to share, and it was delicious. The sesame oil and crushed peanuts set it over the top.

We both ordered fish tacos for our entrees - Julie had tilapia and I had blackened swordfish. The tacos were great, but I skipped the rice and beans. The beans were supposed to taste smokey, but they no joke tasted like cigarette smoke. Gross!

I also got a chance to see the Boston Bombings memorial, which happened to be only a block from my hotel.

What a sad place. The pictures of the little boy who was killed just break my heart, and it was difficult to read all the sentiments people had left. I'm glad I was able to see it and pay my respects, though.

I returned home on Wednesday night, and I'll tell ya you haven't missed much in the way of food or fun. Work's been really busy so I've been staying at the laptop late into the evenings, and when that happens, creative meal planning goes straight out the window in favor of old favorites.

I've eaten strawberry-banana yogurt bowls aplenty, in various forms. My nut toppings of choice this week have been raw pecans, almonds and walnuts. Gotta have crunch!

Green salads have been my go-to lunch and dinner each day, save for last night. I simply couldn't muster up the strength to cut one more vegetable. Talk about feeling lazy. I went back and forth for about an hour on what to make before I finally resorted to the menu drawer and called up our favorite pizza place, Tony's. Buttt, in keeping with our Primal diet and trying not to sink back into the Friday night pizza routine, I opted for one of the new low carb dishes.

Tony's is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a new menu and lots of new healthier dishes. They're now offering several seafood dishes over spinach or broccoli rabe instead of pasta, which I love! I ordered the Spicy, Garlicky Shrimp over steamed broccoli rabe, and it was perfect. Just what the doctor ordered on a Friday night.


This weekend is going to be a little busy, but all good stuff. This afternoon we have Matt's Goddaughter's third birthday party, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with the fam today. Tomorrow I'll be heading out to south Jersey with my good friend Heather to take advantage of a seriously awesome birthday present from Matt: a cooking class at Sur La Table! I really can't wait for that. Then it's home to pack since first thing Monday morning I'm leaving for a conference out in Vegas. Time to get this day started.

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

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