
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Frittata is the New Black

I'm on a frittata kick.

In the midst of being glued to CNN last night watching the developments up in Boston, I stared into my fridge with no real inspiration to make anything. And then I saw a jar of tomato jam just begging to be dipped into, and dinner was born.

I started by tossing onions, garlic, chopped zucchini and sliced mushrooms into a cast iron skillet, and caramelizing everything in some olive oil. Beside salt and pepper, the key flavoring I added was herbs d provence. Love that stuff. It has such a unique earthy flavor and goes really well with mushrooms.

Once the veggies were cooked, I tossed them into a bowl with 5 beaten eggs, and then added about 5 ounces of freshly shredded mozzarella cheese.

I poured everything back in the skillet, cooked it on the stovetop for a few minutes, and then transferred it to a 350 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes. Done and done!

Once it was cooked, I turned it over onto my wooden board and slathered it with warmed up tomato jam. So simple and so good. I think frittata is taking over for Friday Night Pizza.

Matt and I just split the leftovers for breakfast and it was just as good the next day.

Riker is apparently sleeping in this morning (8:30, what?) so we're enjoying a quiet, relaxing cup of coffee in the living room before getting going on the day. I have plans for a "me day" today to get a bunch of errands done for Miami next weekend - mani/pedi, some shopping - and then we're off to a little cocktail party later this evening. Ah, Saturday. :)

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