
Monday, March 25, 2013

Sweet & Salty

And the winner of the Spodee giveaway is...

Lindsay! Please email me your address and I'll get your prize pack out to you.

So the rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. Matt was exhausted when he got back from the bachelor party in Baltimore yesterday afternoon, so while he napped Riker and I hung around doing a little of this and a little of that.

Don't ask why his car seat is in the entry way. But I was cracking up when he grabbed his blanket and favorite book, propped himself in the seat and read to himself. Too cute. During the few minutes Riker read quietly to himself I was able to cross a big to-do off my list: new bathing suits! I have a few warm weather trips coming up, and I haven't bought a new bathing suit since the summer before I got pregnant with Riker. Yeah, you could say it was time. I ordered 3 from Victoria's Secret and am hoping one of them fits well.

I snapped pics of lunch and dinner, but they didn't look too appealing so I'll spare you the photos. It was nothing you haven't seen before - salad with avocado and cottage cheese for lunch, a stir fry for dinner. I did try a new kind of tofu I picked up at Trader Joe's last weekend, "sprouted tofu."

I'm not sure how it's different from regular tofu, but it was really firm and made a mean batch of ginger garlic tofu with veggies.


Matt is on spring break this week which means I have an extra set of hands with Riker in the morning, and I'm pumped about it. Normally I can't go to the gym on weekday mornings because Matt leaves for work super early, the gym daycare doesn't open til 8:30, and I have to start work by 9. With Matt home this week, I'm taking full advantage. I made a protein shake for the road and left the house at 6:30 this morning to start my day with some serious arms & shoulders strength training. Before I got busy with the weights, I got my heart rate going with a modified intervals workout based on a routine I found in my exercise folder. I liked this one because the "hills" were easy in the beginning but finished with a tough uphill.

Once I got home and showered up, Matt and Riker headed out for a fun day and I got started on my work to-do list. It was snowing today and looked so beautiful outside, and more than once I wished I had the day off so I could spend the day in the kitchen making warm, yummy things while staring out the window. But alas, the work must get done.

At least the day went by quickly, and before I knew it it was 6:30 and time for dinner. I'd asked Matt to bake off a spaghetti squash for me, so by the time I came downstairs it was cooked and ready to be glorified with some unusual ingredients.

One of the Recipe ReDux bloggers posted a recipe for Maple Spaghetti Squash for last month's Oscar theme, and I've been dying to try it. I stuck to her recipe for the most part, but used less olive oil and more maple syrup (from Vermont of course), added salt, pepper and a pinch of thyme, and swapped out walnuts for toasted pecans. It was really good - I loved the sweet & salty combo.

Riker's off to bed and Matt's busy in the garage brewing his first batch of all-grain beer, so I'm about to snuggle up with a piece of TJ's dark chocolate and my new book. I'm a few chapters into my next trilogy, Legend, and am pretty hooked so far. Gotta love those young adult dystopian novels! ;-)

I guess dinner got me in the mood for more sweet and salty, because I just realized the one chocolate I was seriously craving this evening was the caramel and black sea salt. Soooo good.

Have a good night!

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