
Friday, March 15, 2013

Bumps on a Log

It's Friday! I'm really looking forward to spending some downtime with my family over the next two days before I fly out to Germany on Sunday evening to meet with clients.

Today was a pretty cold day but still sunny, and it had me in a salad kind of mood so I did one for lunch and one for dinner. My lunch salad was a bowl of simple mixed greens with celery, carrots, cherry tomatoes and a filet of salmon cooked in a little virgin coconut oil. For some crunch, I added a few pieces of fresh chopped coconut. Good and tasty fats! I dressed the salad with some blueberry balsamic vinegar and gobbled it up.

I got hungry again about an hour later, so put together an old school snack of celery with almond butter and raisins. Growing up we called these "bumps on a log" which I thought was a universal term, but Matt looked at me like I had three eyes when I said I ate bumps on a log today. Guess it's a weird term? Weird or not, they were tasty.

Friday nights call for fun food even if pizza isn't on the menu, so I decided to make one of my favorite Mexican dishes - taco salads.

This baby was packed with mesclun greens, romaine lettuce, sauteed peppers and onions, tomatoes, habanero cheddar cheese, black olives, salsa, a small handful of organic tortilla chips, and soy crumbles - all topped off with a dollop of fat free Greek yogurt spiked with lime zest and lime juice. So good! I'm trying to stay away from too many processed soy proteins, but as a vegetarian they must be eaten sometimes. Instead of my usual Morningstar Farms crumbles, though, I picked out some Lightlife Smart Grounds which are made with non-GMO (not genetically modified) soy. It's a start! I love my Morningstar, but these crumbles were really good too.

I also noticed this week that Nasoya makes non-GMO tofu, which made me feel better about keeping tofu as a regular part of my diet. I love the stuff when it's cooked right.

Earlier this week I picked up some Nasoya and made a batch of my ginger garlic tofu with nutritional yeast, so I could easily microwave and toss it with sugar snap peas or other veggies for simple protein-packed work lunches. After three days in a row, I think I'm good for a while. ;-)

St. Patty's Weekend

I'm not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but I'm thinking we might just run some errands and stick around the house for the day. We were invited to a St. Patty's Day party at my friend Robyn's house tomorrow with the brunch crew, but Riker is not feeling well again and I have a lot to do before jet setting on Sunday, so a home day sounds best. If you're going to a party though and looking for some fun St. Patty's recipes, check out the Irish recipe roundup on Jersey Bites!

A few of my Irish goodies are on there, including:

- Guinness Brownies with Irish Buttercream
- Orange Bourbon Marmalade
Old Fashioned Irish Soda Bread

Now it's movie time. I have Idiocracy on the DVR and a husband staring me down on the couch saying, it's time to get off the computer. Catch ya tomorrow!

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