
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blueberry Basil Parfait (Recipe Redux)

I still have lots more to share about Germany, but I'll come back to that later since - incredibly - it's time for the March Recipe ReDux! Spring is in the air and things are turning green, so this month's ReDux theme is all about using herbs in new and creative ways.

I use tons of herbs while cooking, but was a little stumped when thinking about a new or unusual way to use them. Basil & blueberries kept sticking in my mind, though - maybe because I've seen a few Basil Blueberry Mojitos on menus, and maybe because after coming back from Germany I had a giant carton of fresh blueberries in the fridge that had my eye for breakfast, and a sad looking basil plant wilting on my kitchen counter that begged to be used.

If you grow basil at home, either outdoors or inside, I'm sure you know the feeling. The stuff grows like a weed and it dies if you don't use it quickly enough (and basil dying is painful to my eyes), but how much pesto can a girl make?

So, Blueberry Basil Parfaits it was. And they were delicious. The basil gives a certain freshness to the parfait that is quite unexpected, but it all works. It's a great way to use up fresh basil, and better yet, like any yogurt parfait you make in a cute jar, it's portable.

I actually ate mine in the car on my way to drop off Riker at daycare this morning. Smooth, creamy, fruity, fresh and crunchy - the perfect combination of flavors and textures for a spring morning.

Blueberry Basil Parfait 

Serves 1 (can be easily multiplied)

1 cup plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp. fresh chopped basil
1 tsp. real blueberry maple syrup (may substitute honey or plain maple syrup)
2/3 cup fresh blueberries
1 oz. chopped nuts (I used 1/2 oz. almonds and 1/2 oz. pecans)

In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, half the maple syrup and half the chopped basil. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, gently mash the blueberries with a fork until they're still chunky, but release some of their juice. Add the remaining maple syrup and basil, and stir to combine.

In a jar or glass, layer the parfait as follows: Yogurt, blueberry mixture, nuts. Repeat 2-3 times until the jar is filled. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, or eat immediately.

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  1. What a beautiful presentation. I'm seeing more and more 'recipes in jars' popping up on blogs. Such a fun way to serve up nutritious foods! Love the addition of the basil.

    1. I love the "recipes in jars" trend - somehow it makes the food more fun to look at and more fun to eat. ;-)

  2. So simple yet so delicious sounding - looking forward to trying this combo, especially in my Mason jars (nice touch!)
