
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Football Holiday

It's Superbowl Sunday! My team may not be playing in the big game, but it's still a special day. As SportsCenter says, Superbowl a national holiday wherever you are. And holidays call for celebrations!

This is the first year we don't have a big party to go to so it'll be a quieter evening than past Superbowls, but some of Matt's family is coming over for snacks and subs, so it should be a fun one. I'm trying to keep our snacks on the lighter side for typical football fare, with homemade guacamole and pita chips, jalapeno hummus & veggies, organic tortilla chips and salsa, and Pirate's Booty.

Matt and I had planned to take a drive out to Philly this morning to visit my sister and go for a bike ride/hike at Wissahickon Park before starting the festivities, but unfortunately Riker had a pretty rough night and isn't feeling so hot this morning. We decided to play it safe and keep him home.

Poor little guy. Good thing a big chunk of cheese makes everything better. I didn't want to bring him to the gym daycare when he wasn't feeling well, so my day started with a strawberry-banana protein smoothie and a living room workout using two circuits I saved on my Pinterest fitness board.

Matt had his heart on mountain biking this morning, so he took Butters off for a few hours of energy-burning at Allaire State Park. Good thing, because that dog was cuh-razy this morning.

Gotta be productive for a little longer, and then it's time to relax and get into game mode. Last night I picked up a Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout to try (and believe it or not, it actually does smell and taste a little like creme brulee, but it's not too sweet - delicious!), so I'm sippin' on it while I finish off some Sunday chores.

Hope you're having fun celebrating wherever you are!

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