
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Solo Dinner

Most of the meals and recipes I post are family style, built for two or more. But more weeks than not, I'm making meals for one - when my work schedule is crazy, when Matt has soccer, or when I'm running to an evening event. This was one of those weeks. I've had a really packed work schedule since I'm trying to close out projects and meet annual goals before we head out for the holidays...only 3 more weeks 'til Christmas break, I'm counting the days!

The first few days of the week were really warm. Gross warm. Like, it's December, can we please wear  Uggs and scarves and hats and mittens? And drink gingerbread lattes without sweating to death? Enough with the 70 degree days and misting rain already. This Vermont girls wants her winter!

But alas, warm weather we got, so salmon on salad and cucumber/tomato sandwiches fit the bill for a few solo dinners. When working late, I've learned that even though I might crave take-out, it's the veggie packed dinners that give me the fuel to keep powering through.

Doesn't my sandwich plate look so colorful? Love that cranberry English muffins and clementines are back in season, I'm eating them like they're going out of style.

I also finally got to try the creamy asparagus soup we bought at Kauffman's in Lancaster last month. It was ok, but not very substantial, so I added a cup of wheat berries to the bowl to bulk it up a bit. Kiiiind of a weird dinner, but strangely good.

Tonight Matt had an event at school, so I was on my own again. After putting Riker to bed I was in the mood for a bowl of something warm and spicy, so I sauteed some onions, peppers and tomatoes in a little olive oil with s&p and crushed red pepper flakes. Then I added a LightLife soy sausage to the veggies, and tossed the whole thing with a half cup of whole wheat pasta.

It hit the spot perfectly! The peppers made the bowl really full, so it felt like a never-ending bowl of pasta. Now I'm lounging on the couch with a nice fully belly watching SVU reruns. Life is good. :)

Tomorrow starts the weekend!

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